Some Essential “Housekeeping” Assignments for Comp 105WS

I talked about a few of the things that I wanted you to do this weekend, and I promised I would post–unfortunately, I just got to posting now . . . so if you need a few extra days, no problem!

OK.  This should take very little of your time, but it is essential “housekeeping” before we can really get moving this year . . .

  1. Get MyCompLab and the e-text (available free for 17 days while you are waiting for financial aid), and finish the diagnostic tests listed on Study Plan in MyCompLab.
  2. Start working on your first project.  You will be making a video or a slide-show on the first week at CAU.  You will also be compiling an annotated music list for possible songs to go with the video/slideshow.  This isn’t due until September 10th, but it is a complicated project, so I would like you to be working on it steadily.  I am working on the specifics of the project now, and I will be posting it and the rubric ASAP!  Meanwhile, get some pictures and/or video!
  3. Please establish a professional Gmail and Twitter account for the class.  If you already have a very professional-sounding gmail and twitter address, don’t worry about it–but you can’t have something like “sweetcupcake21” or “superman.”  It is better to have something that incorporates your name for this ID.  You will be using this for classes and for professional contacts this year and in the future.
  4. Go to and establish a blog address.  Post that address on the 105 WIKI “Blog Addresses” section.
  5. Go on the 105 WIKI and introduce yourself to your fellow students.  This is worth 5 points extra credit.
  6. Think about something you can present during the semester in a 2-3 minute “dork short.”  You should present about some digital tool or technology that is free and would be useful to your fellow students.  The information must also be shared on the 105 WIKI.  If you do two, you can get extra credit.
  7. For extra credit, sign on to Google, go to “Google News,” and start reading to build up some badges.  I will award 10 points extra-credit for three bronze badges in google news.
  8. I will award 25 points extra credit if one of the stories you write for this class is featured in the student newspaper or a regularly published professional newspaper, magazine, radio/TV program, or Media/PR campaign by the school or another professional organization.  I want you to think beyond these classroom walls!

2 thoughts on “Some Essential “Housekeeping” Assignments for Comp 105WS

    • That is strange. I am hoping that someone has some advice for you! I’m not quite sure what the problem may be. Let me check and see if I assigned it properly. That might be the problem.

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