The e-portfolio is your WordPress Blog. It counts toward a major part of your grade at the end of the semester. The following are the requirements for completing the portfolio assignment:
- Establish an e- portfolio and give Dr. K the address so that it is posted to her WordPress site. Please make sure that Dr. K has your portfolio link on her page!! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE SHE HAS YOUR PORTFOLIO INFORMATION.
- Every e-portfolio must have an “About me” section that includes information about you and a picture.
- Every e-portofolio must include a page for English 105WS. If you also have History 201WS, please make sure you also have a page for history.
- Under the English 105WS tab, you must include the following sub-pagesin this order:
- Origin Stories Paper
- Annotated Bibliography
- Cultural Analysis Paper
- Movie Review
- Reflective paper
- Please make sure that your subpages show up on your blog. If they do not show, please use a widget to display your subpages on your blog.
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