IMPORTANT!! Convocation Date Change


Dear Students,

The date of the convocation has been changed.  This is last minute (to say the least), so please be advised that the Convocation will NOT take place on Tuesday.

Because I had cancelled class for Convocation, and because I don’t want to reschedule when many of you may not have gotten the message, I will be considering this time as a time for conferences with me.  If you need extra help, or you are confused about something in the class, I will be in my office or in the Lower Level of Kresge in the Computer Lab to assist you.

Here is the note I recieved just a few moments ago from Dr. Silver:

Date Corrections

Good morning Colleagues,

I have been informed  that Fall Convocation will not be held on Tuesday, September 21. We will advise you of the new date as soon as that information is available.
Take care and peace be with you.


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