Pretest and WISE Reception Info


I am hoping that all of you have access to your e-mail and that you check it, but I also know that a lot of you DON’T check regularly (you are naughty, naughty students!)

If you haven’t checked your e-mail, you are missing this IMPORTANT announcement from Dr. Flowers about the WISE Pre-Test and Reception.

Some important aspects of the following message are these:  the pretest is worth one extra-credit quiz grade, and you need to watch a video on-line before the test in order to better answer the question.

Here is the message in its entirety:

Greetings, WISE Ones:

All English Composition I students are expected to participate in tests of their writing ability at the beginning (pre-test) and end (post-test) of a year of studying writing in the University’s various composition courses. For students in CENG 105WS (WISE English), the pre-test is followed by an annual reception.

Pre-test Details

Time and Place

September 15,  4:30 to 5:45, CMW 103. If you’re unable to attend because of a time conflict with another class, contact me for make-up options.

Grade Value

This test carries the value of a low-stakes writing assignment in English. (“Low stakes” means  enough points to influence the course grade but not enough to be considered a major assignment.) Dr. Kassorla will provide you with the details of how the points will be applied in your class.

Pre-test Theme

The impact of digital technology on living and learning. You are encouraged (but not required) to view the PBS documentary Digital Nation—Life on the Virtual Frontier online before the pre-test. Feel free to discuss the documentary with friends after viewing.

Reception Details


The reception is for current and former students (freshmen through seniors) and faculty of any WISE class and invited University administrators and other personnel. As you exit the pre-test, you will be given a ticket for admission to the reception.

Time and Place

September 15, 6:00 to 7:30, Exhibition Hall of the Thomas Cole Science Research Center

Looking forward to seeing you at both events.

Dr. Flowers

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