Archive | September 13, 2010

Pretest and WISE Reception Info


I am hoping that all of you have access to your e-mail and that you check it, but I also know that a lot of you DON’T check regularly (you are naughty, naughty students!)

If you haven’t checked your e-mail, you are missing this IMPORTANT announcement from Dr. Flowers about the WISE Pre-Test and Reception.

Some important aspects of the following message are these:  the pretest is worth one extra-credit quiz grade, and you need to watch a video on-line before the test in order to better answer the question.

Here is the message in its entirety: Continue reading

Rough Draft of Origin Stories Assignment Due on September 14!


I know that some of you do not have your InSite Code purchased as of yet.  According to Dr. Flowers, there are more than 50 e-books with InSite available at the bookstore.  Please make sure you purchase this as soon as possible.

Here is the assignment:

Origin Stories Assignment

Rough Draft Due September 14th via Insite

Peer Review Due September 16th via Insite

Final Draft Due September 28th via Insite

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