I would like to take a moment to welcome you to CAU’s WISE program, and to help you become familiar with some of the technology we will be using this semester.
First, and foremost, you should become very familiar with WordPress. WordPress is the blogging site we use to create our e-portfolios for the WISE program. This is one example of what you can do with the blog. You can follow the tabs above to find out more about me or to find out more information about class.
If you have facebook, you can friend my CAU Facebook account: Michelle Kassorla
If you use Twitter, take a moment to sign up for my CAU Twitter account: DrKassorla
You can also subscribe to this blog for updates of the class.
I also have provided links to some interesting educational technology in the right-hand column of this blog. I will update as I become aware of more programs.
I look forward to spending the semester with you, and I trust I will learn as much from you as you learn from me.