Class Alert for Monday, Feb. 8 & Wednesday, Feb. 10


As you know if you were in class on Friday, I will be traveling to Washington D.C. on Monday and Wednesday.  Mr. Cope and/or Dr. Flowers will be covering my classes (so make sure you are there, and you are ON TIME.)

This is what will be going on next week:

Standard Classes (9 a.m. and 12 noon)

Homework for Monday:

Make sure you know what Slave Narrative you will be focusing upon for the group project.  Read some narratives HERE, write down the names of your first and second choices (just in case two of you have the same one), and be prepared to write down your choice on the list on Monday in class.  Also, please respond (in the comments section) to the New York Times article, posted directly below this one.

In Class Work, Monday:

Write down your choice for the slave narrative on the list provided in class.  Organize yourselves into groups of 3-4 people.  Discuss the focus of your narrative, and do some initial planning for the presentations.  Fill out presentation planning list.

Homework for Wednesday:

Decide upon your research question for your history research paper.  Have your research question written down, and make sure you are prepared to begin researching your annotated bibliography for the research paper.

In Class Work, Wednesday:

Meet librarian Yolanda Gilmore Bivins in the front of the library (near the entry stairs and the orangey/reddish chairs).  You will be taking the staff, key-operated, elevator down together to the training lab so please do not be late!

Homework for Friday:

Read W.E.B. DuBois  and Booker T. Washington (higher education vs.

industrialization)  “Talented Tenth”

“Atlanta Exposition Address”

High Tech Class (10 a.m.)

Homework for Monday:

Make sure you know your research question for history, and be prepared to write down your question on the list on Monday in class.  Make sure you have a Second Life image which connects to your topic (so that you can do an note card for the museum).

In Class Work, Monday:

Write down your research question on the list provided in class.  Discuss the focus of your research, and review Annotated Bibliography requirements..

Homework for Wednesday:

Write prospectus paragraph for your Annotated Bibliography.

In Class Work, Wednesday:

Meet librarian Yolanda Gilmore Bivins in the front of the library (near the entry stairs and the orangey/reddish chairs).  You will be taking the staff, key-operated, elevator down together to the training lab so please do not be late!

Homework for Friday:

Finish Rough Draft of Annotated Bibliography assignment for peer response in class.

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