The Interactive Campus
The expansion of Georgia State throughout the city is clear when walking around the downtown sector. The open-style campus extends from MLK Jr. Drive, across from the capitol, all the way down to Broad Street, going as wide to Bell Street and Underground Atlanta on either side. Back in 1949, when the university was under the title of the University of Georgia, Atlanta Division, the school took up one small building between Decatur Street and Hurt Park. This building still stands today, known by current students and staff as Kell Hall.
From this small building, Georgia State has expanded outward in all directions. Classroom South and the Petit Science Center stand as the farthest points in the westward direction, the title of which will have to be given to Turner Field within the next year. Southward, across I-75 and I-85, lies the practice fields, making the border between Georgia State and the Grant Park neighborhood. The creation of the Aderhold Learning Center pushed the boundary northward to the corner of Luckie Street and Forsyth Street. And to the east, the University Commons housing ends the campus right before hitting the interstate. The entire campus encompasses about 518 acres of land, covering the majority of downtown. The inclusion of Aderhold into the campus has made the Fairlie-Poplar area a major part of campus. The historic district features a plethora of international foods where students often go for food between classes. The cobblestone streets add a quaint, historic element to the campus, and it also serves as a place that is filled with not only students, but Atlanta residents and businessmen alike.

Having such close proximity to larger businesses, especially Georgia Pacific, the downtown sector has not been completely dominated by student life. One of the best qualities about Georgia State is the inclusive campus style that allows for contact with everyday people, not just students, faculty, and staff. In this manor, Georgia State is able to accurately capture what life in the downtown sector is like. Many other urban campuses claim to offer this effect, but when they are closed off, such as Georgia Tech, there is not much room for interaction between all walks of life.