Moving Forward: Teaching in Uncertain Times

Community Blog on online, hybrid, and F2F teaching during the pandemic

Encouraging the use of iCollege notification tools

One frustration we have been hearing over and over from faculty is that their students aren’t using email and aren’t logging into iCollege frequently enough to see assignments and updates. Encourage your students to use the notification tools connected to iCollege.  Using the notifications tool will help your student stay up-to-date with their iCollege courses by enabling them to receive instant notifications about course events (such as dropbox submissions, discussion messages, and news updates) and change the email and SMS notifications options for their courses.

To set-up notifications have your students fo here for a step-by-step guide. 

Another newer tool is the Brightspace Pulse App. This is a mobile app that can help your students stay connected and on track with their courses in iCollege. It provides one easy view of course calendars, readings, assignments, evaluations, grades, and announcement items. Real-time alerts can keep students updated when class announcements are  posted or new grades are available. The schedule view and weekly visualization quickly tells students, at a glance, what is due today, this week, and upcoming months across all their courses. Brightspace Pulse is available for download from any global Google Play™ store or Apple App Store®. 

To set-up Pulse have your students go  for a step-by-step guide.

lcarruth • November 16, 2020

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