Moving Forward: Teaching in Uncertain Times

Community Blog on online, hybrid, and F2F teaching during the pandemic


Creating a More Inclusive Space for Our Students on the Autism Spectrum

By Jennifer Hall, PhD, CETLOE and Department of English In the US, April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance month. This month is set aside to encourage awareness and acceptance of friends, family, colleagues, and other community members on the autism spectrum. To honor this month, I’d like to  share some ideas on developing an inclusive…

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A Brief Summary of the Capability of ChatGPT

by: Michelle Kassorla, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Georgia State University | Perimeter College, Dunwoody A Brief Summary of the Capability of ChatGPT You may be familiar with ChatGPT, or at least the controversy surrounding it. In short, ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate text-based…

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Global Accessibility Awareness Day: Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Students with Learning Difference

By Jennifer Hall, PhD CETLOE and Department of English   Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and CETLOE is celebrating! It’s our job to be invested in student learning, but we also want to make sure that we’re taking that extra step to ensure that the work we do is inclusive and supports ALL students….

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Asking the Right Questions: Designing a Final Exam that Builds Learners

by Jennifer Hall, PhD CETLOE and Department of English It’s that time of the semester again: finals week! Those of us teaching in person can feel the tension in the air as our students prepare to dump everything they’ve learned all semester into a final exam. This is their time to shine! In the final…

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The benefits of a strong (and supportive) classroom management plan

Classroom management plans help you help your students. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve prepared your course materials and for the start of the semester if you don’t have a solid classroom management plan in place. Classroom management plans help you establish and manage student expectations and behavior. They can ensure that your classes/lectures run…

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Mindset and Metacognition at the Mid-Point

Teaching our students to have a “growth mindset” and to check-in with their own learning using metacognition strategies is something many of us do at the beginning of the semester when we address the “big-picture” of the semester and encourage our students to set goals, use good time-management, and develop effective study strategies.  However, at…

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Building Engagement through Online Course Design

by Katy Crowther, PhD (CETLOE Faculty Associate and English, Perimeter College) Creating opportunities for students to engage with our course materials online can be challenging, but we know that it is crucial for deep learning, retention, and student success in our course and beyond.  With thoughtful course design, we can build in different types of…

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Engaging Students in STEM Writing Courses

By Hongmei Zhang, Ph.D. (Department of Biology) One of the major challenges in the writing-intensive course is the lack of student engagement and motivation. I have struggled a lot to get students engaged in one of the writing courses I teach: Molecular Cell Biology Laboratory-Critical Thinking through Writing (BIOL3810-CTW). The 50-minute CTW component aims to…

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Toward the Failure-Centered Classroom-Part 1

By Melody Kelley, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Chemistry, PC) It ended like any other lab session-with students busy rinsing and replacing glassware, packing their belongings, and waving goodbye. I was filled with a sense of self-assurance, ready to pat myself on the back for another day of quality instruction.   Job well done, Dr. Kelley.  Then it…

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Documenting Student Success In and Out of the Classroom

The USG has now included a requirement for faculty evaluations to include documentation on how instructors support student success. You might already be doing this, or if you’re not you are probably doing more in your classes to promote student success than you realize! CETLOE defines student success activities as being evidence-based approaches that promote…

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