Moving Forward: Teaching in Uncertain Times

Community Blog on online, hybrid, and F2F teaching during the pandemic

Now is the time to collect mid-semester feedback!

Don’t wait to collect feedback from your students!

Mid-semester is a busy time for faculty and students. While you’re grading assignments and interacting with your students don’t forget to collect get mid-semester teaching feedback from your students. This semester, with all of the added stress and worry, it is even more important to do this than ever before. Make sure your survey includes a question or two asking your students how they’re doing this semester. You can administer an anonymous survey by building it in Qualtrics and then embed the link in an iCollege announcement or use the iCollege survey tool that allows you to collect anonymous responses. Below is example mid-semester survey so you don’t have to create your own.

Mid-Semester Course Feedback

To make this course most relevant and supportive of your learning, I would appreciate your completion of this mid-semester survey. (Consider using  a 6-point Likert scale from strongly disagree, disagree, slightly disagree, slightly agree, agree, strongly agree)

Statements 1-5 below related to your experience as a student in this course:

1. I prepare for class meetings.

2. I actively participate in class.

3. I am developing the skills I need in this class.

4. I understand the material in this class.

5. I can apply what I learn to new situations.

Statements 6-10 below relate to your experience with the instructor of this course:

6. The instructor is approachable.

7. The instructor motivates me to learn.

8. The way the instructor introduces new concepts supports my learning.

9. The way the instructor conducts this class keeps me engaged.

10. The feedback I am getting from the instructor is helping me learn.

Statements 11-15 below related to your experiments in this course so far:

11. The course content is presented in a manner that helps me learn.  

12. The instructions for completing assignments are clear.

13. The out-of-class assignments are helping me learn.

14. There are sufficient opportunities to practice what I am learning.

15. The assessments are a fair representation of what we are learning.

Questions 16-19 are open-ended questions.  Please provide feedback on your learning experience as prompted by these questions:

  1. What has been most helpful for your learning in this class so far? (e.g., Describe the time(s) in this class when you were most engaged)
  2. What has caused you the most difficulty in terms of learning in this class so far? 
  3. What suggestion(s) can you make that would enhance your learning experience in this class?
  4. I know that this is a very challenging time. How are you coping with the semester so far? Do you have any suggestions for how I can make students feel more supported or how I can help you and your classmates better connect with each other?





lcarruth • October 15, 2020

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