Currency | This website is very current because it has a copyright date of 2017, which means the data gets checked pretty often | Currency | The most recent article was posted on September 25, 2017 therefore the information is recent. |
Relevance | This website has numerous articles about current events that is going on within our country. Whoever is curious about current events/daily news | Relevance | Statistics are based on current events and current questions that many people may have |
Authority | The publisher is the Justfacts non-profit organization | Authority | This website is a project of the Amneberg Public Policy Center |
Accuracy | Comes from real reporters and news outlets that have real data and statistics | Accuracy | Non biased based all on research and statistics |
Purpose | Purpose is to inform and entertain readers about daily news | Purpose | To inform readers of evidence and actual data that has been collected |
It is stunning information..Please keep updated. Thanks for sharing.