Reading Summary 4

Gender-NeutralThe most distinct and clearest visual marker that separates male and female are the signs on public bathroom entrances. Having Men on one door and Women on the other; people in society have to choose what gender they are every time before they enter a bathroom. In this new generation gender equality is slowly being adopted in all aspects of life in society. But restrooms being a public convince, freely available in most places and are open to all; are still a place where gender is separated. Restrooms are ultimately where we as humans go and obey the dictates of our bodies, therefore it is natural to feel vulnerable. Due to this, humans have created a standard were when someone confuses male and female and walk through the wrong door, that person risks discomfort or even real trouble. But now transgender people are asking society to rethink this old convention of signs.

The world is not yet ready to idea of mixing male and female anatomy in multistall bathrooms and locker rooms. As evident in in the voters rejection of a broad equal rights ordinance in Houston. This  law would have protected individuals against discrimination in housing and employment, as well as public spaces, on the basis of several categories, including age and race along with sexual orientation and gender identity. The opponents won , by  nicknaming the law the “bathroom ordinance” also making a t-shirt and TV ad showing a sinister man threatening a girl in the stall, as a result successfully instilling fear in the voters.

braille-all-gender-bathroom-sign-se-5635_223In contrary to Houston recent rejection for gender equality bathrooms. School districts have been generally accepting to transgender student. Transgender students are call by their preferred names and are allowed to join the sports teams of the gender with which they identify with. On the other handing, deciding where they should change and shower and use the bathroom has been more pragmatic. A great example would be a case in suburban Illinois, where a transgender high school student that underwent hormone therapy and passport identified her as female, asked to change in the girls’ locker room. The district refused and had her change in a separate room down the hall. She and her parents ordered a civil rights complaint to the the United States Department of Education. The Education Department granted her the right to change and shower in the same locker room as her female peers; a curtain addressed all her needs and other students’ concerns. It was just that simple to give a transgendered high school student the comfortability she needed to shower and change at school.

The main goal in creating public bathrooms that are open to all genders is accommodation. Accommodation is a word that implies moving over to make room for others, whether you want it or not. Society have been able to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities, by putting a bar next to a toilet and a button that opens the door. Why can’t a transgender shower in their own stall amongst her peer by just providing them with a privacy curtain. A small adjustment for the sake of coexistence.

As we approach the future and more transgender people are able to use the bathroom of their choosing. The Transgender Law Center offers a resource guides that help transgenders go to the bathroom they identify with. Having a public bathrooms that accommodate to transgenders means that the place must allow that person to feel comfortable and be able to belong, something all us human need.

Bazelon, Emily. “Making Bathrooms More Accommodating.” The New Yor Times Magizine 17 Nov. 2015. Web.

Reading Summary 3


In this current era the definition of gender has transformed, no longer does it have a clear role in separating male and female. Through todays advances in technology, traditional masculine and feminine roles are being challenged. Designers of today need recognize society’s issues in todays gender revolution, being able to work and help promote a more accepting and diverse society.

The main issue currently with gender is that the design within todays landscape is still upheld by Modernism, an architectural movement built in the male’s perspective. In the past men have seized all power in the workplace, as a result male necessities are met through Modernist design models, leaving females with subsequent accommodations. Even in today’s information age, the world of technology and web design is also a very male-dominated field, with 85 percent of tech workers at the top companies being male.

Though recently there have been events pointing to a new wave of feminism. Emma Watson, an actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, gave a speech promoting the He for She movement went viral, which promoted men to join the cause for gender equality. The LGBTQ rights movement is also gradually accepting same-sex marriage. In the workplace, woman have become more prominent, therefore today’s workplace is going through a transformation. People want mire softness in interiors with the influences of hospitality through tactile and textural materials like carpeting and textiles. The time for designers to modify gender sensitivity into their work is now.

When you are born, typically you are assigned a gender, but you can decided what gender to identify with beyond this. In this present day, college students are not putting their gender down in forms and children in middle school are asking to have their gender unspecified or changed. This is showing that the up and coming generation are taking a stand and saying they don’t want to be identified a one or the other (male or female).

Architecture and interior design are slow in the process to gender equality, compared to the world of fashion and beauty. Because of their fast cycles they are the first to embrace the trends of this new generation. For example, Alexander Wang’s women’s coat from Fall 2015 has masculine tailoring with a military look and Annemiek van der Beek’s Primal Skin makeup line has been designed to be appealing to the male buyer.

Corporations like Google have taken note of this new gender neutral revolution, and have adopted unisex bathrooms to allow all individuals in the workplace to feel comfortable, safe, and included. Martine Rothblatt, a transgender who is the CEO of United Therapeutics, defied traditional roles by becoming the highest-pad female executive in the Untied States even though she was born biologically male. But in many businesses there is still issues with sexuality. In one case, an employee underwent gender-reassignment surgery during summer break, but on his return both female and male coworkers went to human resources and complained about not wanting this person in their bathroom.

In the past, being male meant that you were the dominate force over females, but in the post-gender world of today masculine and feminine roles are being switched and obscured. This is an essential human phenomenon and in this society design needs to be respectful to every different individual. In being able to create an environment were a gender-neutral design accommodates to everyone’s need, then anybody can function and do what they need to do no matter who they are, all in a safe place.

Tick, Susan. “His & Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Societt.” METROPOLIS MAGAZINE Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.