As soon as I clicked on “www.zooatlanta.org,” the first thing that caught my eye on the home page was the large slideshow of pictures. It switched pictures automatically and showed a variety of designs, colors, and different animals. It was also bordered by colors in the range of yellow, green, white, and brown. Multiple links are posted around the page along with designs and pictures that seem to be both kid friendly and adult friendly. The majority of each page appeared to be fairly age and gender neutral. Additionally, there is easy access to each link, specifically the YouTube video, that is able to be viewed directly from the page that the reader is currently on. The words are also colored throughout the page to indicate that it is a link and can be clicked on.
Each link under the drop-down menu displayed information in a clean and clear manner. The zoo hours and rates were all listed and different prices were organized by age and standings such as being a college student or member of the military. Tickets can also be easily purchased with a click of a button on the website as well as be purchased with a discount. Learning opportunities are also openly available for both children and adults through events and organizations that the zoo has to offer.
The website, overall, seems to be easily accessible by any age, race, and gender with easy to read font styles, colors, and sizes. The pictures and designs throughout the webpage add more color and may attract the website’s visitors more. It has unique features that make Zoo Atlanta’s website more distinguishable from other zoo websites.
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