Kowitt, Beth. “INSIDE TRADER JOE’s. (Cover Story).” Fortune 162.4 (2010): 86-96. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
This article, written by Beth Kowitt is about Trader Joe’s and how it is unique from other grocery stores around the country. It is described as a chain store that sells organic products as well as products sold only at TJ’s. The author wrote this article in order to inform readers (mainly those who are interested in the growth and development of this grocery store in particular) of how Trader Joe’s traditions work and how it builds a community of customers. Kowitt gives evidence by quoting former employees and executives as well as other interviews with employees related to Trader Joe’s. This is a useful source because I now have a better understanding of what Trader Joe’s is and how it closes itself off by selling certain products only labeled either “Trader Joe’s” or few other brands.
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