Steinmetz, Katy. “The Gender-Neutral Bathroom Revolution Is Growing.” Time.Com (2016): N.PAG. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
Katy Steinmetz, the author of, “The Gender-Neutral Bathroom Revolution is Growing,” discusses the new developing plans for building gender-neutral bathrooms. From San Francisco to Washington D.C., many important cities are adding these bathrooms in order to change the communities into a more welcoming and LGBT friendly society. The author shows statistics and quotes that give evidence of what is currently happening in the country to allow readers such as the LGBT community and those who desire to use gender-neutral bathrooms to be informed of these developments and issues involved with these changes. I think that this source is useful because bathrooms are a part of interior environments and is significant to the research about Trader Joe’s, as the store has unisex bathrooms as well.
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