Outside the Student Center is a nice open environment for students who want to learn or study on the benches and get a breeze of fresh air. Give Pounce a good rub on the nose for luck before heading to class!
Outside the Student Center is a nice open environment for students who want to learn or study on the benches and get a breeze of fresh air. Give Pounce a good rub on the nose for luck before heading to class!
It’s an interesting space, I think, the space under the plaza… This is I guess not part of that space, or is it? Is this statue an “artifact”? It’s not in and of itself a “built environment” is it? How would you categorize it and why?
I would say that it is an artifact, but it is a representation of the area in front of the Student Center. In that area, students are able to sit outside and make connections with new and old classmates while they help each other study for classes.