Blog Optimization Explanation

In order to optimize my blog, I rearranged some items and made a couple of changes to make navigation easier for the reader. First off, I added categories to all my posts; now, none of my posts are uncategorized. My categories include Built Environment Description, Class Notes, SOS, and Miscellaneous. After adding a miscellaneous category, I then sorted all my uncategorized blog posts into this section that didn’t fall into the others. I also tagged every one of my posts in order to start creating my own metadata. Additionally, I added a “Built Environment Descriptions” page. The link for this page is provided below. In this page, I gave a description about the major assignment and provided URL links to all the built environment descriptions that I have completed so far in the course.

Furthermore, as far as widgets go, I incorporated a couple into my blog to improve the site’s organization. I added a search bar and categories widget. This can be found on the top right-hand side of my site. If you click on the search menu, one can obviously search through my posts, but also find my recent posts, recent comments, and categories as well. I also have a page menu on the top left-hand of my blog in order to access my blog’s different pages. Lastly, to provide better accessibility to all my posts, I added an archives widget. This archives widget can be located on the bottom left-hand corner of my blog. With this widget, one can peruse through my various posts from month to month as opposed to solely being presented with my most recent posts. I definitely will have to check out more widgets from Word Press because they are incredibly easy to add to one’s blog and they help the reader navigate through various posts and pages.

The links for the new additions to my sites can be found below:

Built Environment Descriptions