Reading Summary 6


In this article”Color walking “by Phia Bennin and Brandon McMullan the authors are trying to inform the world about colors and how they are perceived from the naked eye.  In the first part of this passage Phia and Brandon distinguishes the physical characteristics of color in the physical world by conducting an experiment in which they stumbled upon, working on last year light show. The Authors Phia and Brandon also demonstrates the multi-sensory exploration in which their experiences involve more selective attention than ever before required.

Back in the old day there was this man who served not only as an instructor, but  as an american novelist, short story writer, satirist, essayist, painter, and spoken word performer by the name of William Burroughs who dreamed to inspire his students through a simple concept he invented called “color walking.” William Burroughs wanted his student to increase their cognitive ability by paying more attention to the often overlooked details in their everyday environment. William Burrough intentions was to challenge the students intellectual ability to notice the obliviousness around them or other words he was trying to enhance their third eye.  William Burrough inspired his students through multi-sensory exploration and cultivated a keener awareness of the obliviousness that occurred in their everyday society.

The color walk was a simple idea which consist of a person choosing a color to become immune to as they’re going out the door. Once that person has obtained the color that catches their attention they would soon began to notice that the color that they chose has began to blossom like never before. As they began to walk they will start noticing that the color they chose began to  rapidly display from object to object causing them to be more aware therefore increasing their focusing of consciousness on a particular stimuli.  This focusing of consciousness could be referred to as selective attention and plays an significant role on students cognitive ability and how they interact with their surroundings. It helps them reinforce the scholarly dimensions of field research and to clearly state the obliviousness needed for imaginative learning and  precise writing.

Phia and Brandon conducted another experiment by allowing the flexibility of the colors depict were they would end up next. For instance a woman wearing red bottoms could urge you to go to the mall, a white ice cream truck could pull you down the street, or blue waters could lure you to the beach. The flexibility of colors should allow you to become more exposed to the change blindness that is occurring in the environment that’s around you. Change blindness is failing to notice the change in a particular stimuli or environment. As you walk down the street you should begin to notice that the color you first analyzed is now something different like the greens that your observed should’ve led you to the observation of yellow things  and what you perceived from the yellow things should’ve led you to blue things and so on.

This passage “color walking” by radio lab is giving insight to the audience by allowing them to perceive mother  nature as a world of blossoming colors that also assimilates a pattern of other colors which becomes visible to the third eye. In this passage Phia and Brandon elaborately explains their experiences in this  multi-sensory  journey allowing them to become more opened to their future surroundings. Phia and Brandon also uses a timeline that illustrates their journey so much better and the inclusion of multiple images and” short textual descriptions of each encounter with the image/color-source captures the interpersonal aspect of the trek.” Phia Bennin and Brandon McMullan wrote this article not only to inform but to persuade people of the potential sources, inspiration, and insight color walking can impose on a society.

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