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With the case study draft ChatGPT created and feedback from Dr. Pullman, I have been thinking of ways to elevate the design of my to-do list application. In the latest iteration of the to-do list application, I have decided that I need to expand on the use of the application. Instead of simply being a list of stuff you write down such as you would things you need to do as you would on a scrap of paper, the application should serve to compile tasks across all responsibilities, i.e. work, school, or personal, and create categories to organize tasks by types. Perhaps users will be able to set separate categories and organize lists into the corresponding categories. Users should also be able to look at their tasks as a calendar, showing various tasks that have to be created for the month, and looking at a single list that shows tasks in a traditional to-do list. Another option I have thought about adding to the design is that users should be able to add tasks from various applications using a copy/paste type functionality where users can right-click on a string of text from any window and can add to tasks using this shortcut. Users of course will also be able to create tasks in the application but I think having this additional functionality will make the application much more useful for users. I have begun creating a survey and interview questions for potential users of this application. I’ve also created some personas to help brainstorm the way different users will use the app and what additional features to offer for the different users.