Week 3
Saturday February 24th 2024, 12:15 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Five Second Test

  • TODO list application 
  • Tried to interact with screen
  • Site was bland but functionality was immediately clear for me, though I see why some may not immediately see what the application is for as there are no clear title or instruction

Using To-do List

  • Interface was pretty intuitive 
  • The washed out “complete” button made it seem unclikable 
  • It might be better to click on the task to scratch it out 
  • Sort button functionality is unclear 
  • Can’t undo strikethrough 

Heuristic Usability Form

  1. N
  2. Y
  3. N
  4. Y
  5. N
  6. Y
  7. ?
  8. Y
  9. N
  10. ?


I created a mockup for a to-do list application using Canva. One of the first things I noticed using the to-do list shared in class was that the design was very simple and not aesthetically engaging. The first thing I focused on when creating my mockup was choosing appealing (perhaps to a certain audience) fonts and styles. I mimicked the same simplicity of the first application aiming to make the app straight forward and simple to use. Since the application takes the place of something that can just as easily (if not much more easily) be accomplished using pen and paper, simplicity is key when designing a product like this. I have two “buttons” in my design, the first one “add task” is pretty self-explanatory — it adds a task to the list. The second button, “reorder tasks” will open a drop down menu where a user has a choice to order tasks either alphabetically or randomize the list entries. This randomize button will act as a sort of “I’m feeling lucky” feature and reorganize the list so that the user can tackle their tasks with new perspective and vigor. In a fully implemented version of this mockup, the user will click on a task to strike through and mark as complete. When a user hovers over an item on their list, a trash can icon will appear on the far right of the task line allowing user to delete the tasks completely. The application should also feature “undo” button allowing a user to retract the previous action. 

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