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I come into User-Experience writing a complete novice. Although I have heard of a case-study, I don’t have much relevant experience in them and certainly by no means have I ever conducted one myself. By analyzing the examples giving on the course website and in conjunction with some in-depth google searching and article reading, I have come up with a general outline that seems to lead to writing a successful case study. In my research of case studies I found that the most compelling studies contain the following:
The title of the case study should be informative and give insight to the desired outcome of the study.
A summary of the study containing the basic details, (who, what when where, why). The abstract is generally one to two paragraphs and gives a brief overview of the projects goals including questions it aims to address and the hypothesis.
A brief synopsis of the problem the product or service intends to address. Introduces the motivation behind the project and entices users to inquire more. This section also contains background information on the designers and their research interests.
Presents the hypothesis and elaborates on why the case study was made what the intended outcomes will be.
Describes the steps taken to successfully develop and implement the case study and gives details on what, who, when, where and how. Consumer personas are created to simulate the variety of users that will benefit from the product.
Presents the data found from the case study in a detailed manner.
Provide context to your findings.
Summarize the study and provide analysis on the results tying the study up in a digestible manner.
Lists source material used for the project.
A case study I found in my research was by Victor Ofoegbu in which he describes an idea to redesign Smile, Africa’s largest ISP. Through his case study he provides visually stimulating data sets, a manageable project scope, and relevant solutions to his proposed problems. The link to his study is below.