Murat Somer and Jennifer McCoy, “Affective Polarization and Democratic Backsliding,” in Torcal, Mariano, and Eelco Harteveld. 2024. Handbook of Affective Polarization. OSF Preprints. November 1.
Clark Demasi, Jennifer McCoy and Levente Littvay , “Influencing People’s Populist Attitudes with Rhetoric and Emotions: an online experiment in the U.S.,” American Behavioral Scientist, Online First, April 15, 2024.
Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, “Polarization and Autocratization,” in Croissant, A., & Tomini, L. (Eds.). (2024). The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization, (1st ed.). Routledge.
Levente Littvay, Jennifer L McCoy, Gabor Simonovits, It’s Not Just Trump: Americans of Both Parties Support Liberal Democratic Norm Violations More Under Their Own President, Public Opinion Quarterly, October 2024, Online First,
McCoy, Jennifer, Juan S. Gomez Cruces, Ozlem Tuncel, & Levente Littvay. “Reducing Partisan Animus in Populist Contexts.” In The Ideational Approach to Populism: Consequences and Mitigation, edited by A Chryssogelos, K Hawkins, E Hawkins, L Littvay, & N Wiesehomeier. Routledge Series: Extremism & Democracy. Forthcoming, Oct 2024.
Ryan Carlin, Jennifer McCoy and Jelena Subotic, “Dirigiendo a la Población hacia la Paz: la Confianza en las Élites, la Legitimidad de la Negociación y el Apoyo a la Justicia Transicional,” in ed. Sandra Botero and Miguel Garcia-Sanchez, Paz y Opinión Pública en Colombia, Bogota, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Los Andes and Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2024.
Jennifer McCoy, “Hyper-Polarization and Democratic Security,” Handbook on Democracy and Security, Nicholas Seltzer and Steven Wilson, editors, Elgar Publishers, 2023.
Jennifer McCoy, “Reflexiones sobre el populismo y la polarización en América Latina y sus consecuencias para la democracia,” Revista Desafios, 34: 2, August 2022.
Gábor Simonovits, McCoy, Jennifer, and Levente Littvay ,“Democratic Hypocrisy and Out-group Threat: Explaining Citizen Support for Democratic Erosion.” Journal of Politics, volume 84, number 3, July 2022.
Alison Amoroso, Carlos Pavao, Russell Luke, Jennifer McCoy, Sean Richey, Shen Evans, “Health Communications Experiment with a Resistant Population to Increase Public Health Compliance during a Pandemic,” Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, (May 2022) 8:2, 38 pages.
Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, “Political Parties, Elections, and Pernicious Polarization in the Rise of Illiberalism”, Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism, edited by András Sajó, Renáta Uitz, and Stephen Holmes, 2021.
Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, “Pernicious Polarization and Democratic Resilience: Analyzing the U.S. in Comparative Perspective”, in Democratic Resilience: Can the United States Withstand Rising Polarization? Edited by Robert C. Lieberman, Suzanne Mettler, and Kenneth M. Roberts, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021.
Jennifer L. McCoy, Jelena Subotic, and Ryan E. Carlin, “Transforming Transitional Justice from Below: Colombia’s Pioneering Peace Proposal,” in Fabra Zamora, Jorge Luis, Andrés Molina-Ochoa, and Nancy Doubleday, eds. The Colombian Peace Agreement: A Multidisciplinary Assessment. Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.
Murat Somer, Jennifer McCoy and Russell Luke, “Pernicious Polarization, Autocratization and Opposition Strategies,” Democratization, published online, January 12,2021.
Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, “Overcoming Polarization,” Journal of Democracy 32:1 (January 2021): 6–21.
Ryan Carlin, Gregory J. Love, Jennifer L. McCoy, and Jelena Subotic, “Pitfall to Peace: FARC Political Participation and Mass Support for Peace Talks in Colombia.” Journal of Politics in Latin America, 12, no. 3 (December 2020): 323–44..
Dimitris Pantoulas and Jennifer McCoy, “Venezuela: an Unstable Equilibrium”, Revista de Ciencias Políticas: Vol 32, No 2. (2019), pp. 391-408.
Ryan Carlin, Jennifer McCoy and Jelena Subotic, “Leading the Public to Peace: Trust in Elites, the Legitimacy of Negotiated Peace, and Support for Transitional Justice,” in After War Ends edited by James Meernik, Jacqueline DeMerritt, and Mauricio Uribe-Lopez. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Alan Abramowitz and Jennifer McCoy, “United States: Racial Resentment, Negative Partisanship and Polarization in Trump’s America,” in Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 681:1(January 2019): 137-156.
Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, “Toward a Theory of Pernicious Polarization and How it Harms Democracy: Comparative Evidence and Possible Remedies,” in Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 681, no. 1 (January 2019): 234-271.
Somer, Murat, and Jennifer McCoy. “Transformations through Polarizations and Global Threats to Democracy.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681, no. 1 (January, 2019): 8–22.
Hawkins, Kirk A., Ryan E. Carlin, Levente Littvay, Jennifer McCoy and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, “Conclusion” in Hawkins, K. et al. eds. The Ideational Approach to Populism: Concept, Theory, and Analysis. 1 edition. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.
Murat Somer and Jennifer McCoy, “Introduction: Déjà vu? Polarization and Endangered Democracies in the 21st Century” in Special Issue on Polarization and Democracy: A Janus-faced Relationship with Pernicious Consequences, American Behavioral Scientist, 62:1, (January 2018): 3-15.
Jennifer McCoy, Tahmina Rahman, and Murat Somer. “Polarization and the Global Crisis of Democracy: Common Patterns, Dynamics and Pernicious Consequences for Democratic Polities” in Special Issue on Polarization and Democracy: A Janus-faced Relationship with Pernicious Consequences, American Behavioral Scientist, 62:1 (January 2018): 16-42.
Alban Lauka, Jennifer McCoy and Rengin B. Firat. “Mass Partisan Polarization: Measuring a Relational Concept” in Special Issue on Polarization and Democracy: A Janus-faced Relationship with Pernicious Consequences, American Behavioral Scientist, 62:1 (January 2018): 107-126.
Shelley McConnell, Jennifer McCoy, Michael McCarthy “Challenging the Norm: International Election Accompaniment in Nicaragua and Venezuela,” América Latina Hoy, 70 (August 2015): 109-132.
“Challenges for the Collective Defense of Democracy on the Tenth Anniversary of the Inter-American Democratic Charter,” Latin American Policy (April 2012).
“Venezuela under Chávez: Beyond Liberalism,” Latin America’s Left Turns: Politics, Policies and Trajectories of Change. Edited by Maxwell A. Cameron and Eric Hershberg. Lynne Rienner Press, 2010.
Jennifer McCoy and Jonathan Hartlyn, “The Relative Powerlessness of Elections,” in Democratization by Elections, edited by Staffan Lindberg. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.
Jonathan Hartlyn, Jennifer McCoy, Thomas Mustillo, “Explaining the Success and Failure of Elections in Latin America,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol 41, No 1, (Jan 2008):73-98.
Published in Spanish: “La importancia de la gobernanza electoral y la calidad de las elecciones en América Latina contemporánea,” América Latina Hoy, 51, 2009, pp. 15-40.
“Transnational Response to Democratic Crisis in the Americas, 1990-2005,” Promoting Democracy in the Americas, edited by Sharon Lean, Tom Legler, Dexter Boniface. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
“International Reaction to Democratic Crisis in the Americas, 1990-2005.” Democratization.13:5 (December 2006): 756-775.
“The 2004 Venezuelan Recall Referendum,” Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 2:1 (July 2006): 61-80.
Jonathan Hartlyn and Jennifer McCoy, “Observer Paradoxes: How to Assess Electoral Manipulation,” in Andreas Schedler, editor. Electoral Authoritarianism: the Dynamics of Unfree Competition. Lynne Rienner Press, 2006, pp 41-56.
“One Act in an Unfinished Drama: the Referendum in Venezuela,” Journal of Democracy, 16:1 (Jan 2005): 109-123. Also published in Portuguese in Novos Estudos 72 (July 2005).
Jennifer McCoy, “From Representative to Participatory Democracy? Regime Transformation in Venezuela,” in The Unraveling of Representative Democracy in Venezuela. Edited by Jennifer McCoy and David Myers. Johns Hopkins University Press. November 2004.
“Venezuela in the Gray Zone: from Feckless Pluralism to Dominant Power System,” by David Myers and Jennifer McCoy, Politeia (Sept 2003). Caracas: Central University of Venezuela, Institute of Political Studies journal.
Jennifer L. McCoy and Heather Heckel, “The Emergence of a Global Anti-Corruption Norm,” International Politics 38:1 (March 2001): 65-90.
Jennifer McCoy, “The Learning Process” and “Comparative Lessons” in Jennifer McCoy, editor, Political Learning and Redemocratization in Latin America: Do Politicians Learn from Political Crises (Univ. of Miami: North-South Center; Lynne Rienner Press (distributors), 2000): 1-14, 131-148.
Jennifer McCoy, “Nicaragua’s Second Election,” in Krishna Kumar, editor, Post-Conflict Elections, Democratization, and International Assistance ( Lynne Rienner Publisher, 1998).
Jennifer McCoy, “Monitoring and Mediating Elections during Latin American Democratization,” in Kevin Middlebrook, editor. Electoral Observation and Democratic Traditions in Latin America (Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California-San Diego, 1998): 53-90.
Jennifer McCoy, “Introduction: Dismantling the Predatory State,” in Robert Rotberg, ed., Haiti Renewed (Brookings Institute Press, 1997): 1-26.
Jennifer McCoy and William Smith, “From Deconsolidation to Reequilibration? Prospects for Democratic Renewal in Venezuela,” in McCoy, et al, Venezuelan Democracy Under Stress (Transaction Press, 1995): 237-285.
William Smith and Jennifer McCoy, “Venezuelan Democracy Under Stress,” in McCoy, et al, Venezuelan Democracy Under Stress (Transaction Press, 1995): 1-12.
Jennifer McCoy and William Smith, “Desconsolidación o reequilibrio democrático en Venezuela,” Nueva Sociedad 140 (Nov-Dic 1995): 18-32.
Jennifer McCoy and William Smith, “Democratic Disequilibrium in Venezuela,” Journal of InterAmerican Studies and World Affairs Vol 37, No 2 (Summer 1995): 113-179.
Jennifer McCoy, “La Crisis de Confianza,” in Democracia Bajo Presion: Politica y Mercado en Venezuela, edited by Andres Serbin, Andres Stambouli, Jennifer McCoy and William Smith (Caracas, Venezuela: Nueva Sociedad, 1993): pp. 9-26.
Jennifer McCoy, “Mediating Democracy: A New Role for International Actors?” in ed. David Bruce, New World Order: Social and Economic Implications (Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia State University Business Press, 1993): pp. 129-140.
Howard Lehman and Jennifer McCoy, “The Dynamics of the Two-Level Bargaining Game: The 1988 Brazilian Debt Negotiations,” World Politics 44:4 (July 1992): 600-644.
Jennifer McCoy, Larry Garber and Robert Pastor, “Making Peace by Observing and Mediating Elections,” Journal of Democracy, Fall (1991): 102-114. Reprinted in The Global Resurgence of Democracy, edited by Larry Diamond and Marc Plattner (John Hopkins University Press, 1993): 178-192.
Jennifer McCoy, “Labor and the State in a Party-Mediated Democracy: Institutional Change in Venezuela,” Latin American Research Review, 24:2 (Spring 1989): 35-68.
Jennifer McCoy, “Venezuela: Austerity and the Working Class,” in Paying the Costs of Austerity In Latin America, edited by Werner Baer and Howard Handelman (Boulder: Westview Press, 1989): 195-223.
Jennifer McCoy, “The State and the Democratic Class Compromise in Venezuela,” The Journal of Developing Societies, 4:1 (Spring 1988): 85-104. Also in State and Development, edited by Cal Clark and Jonathan Lemco (Leiden: Brill, 1988).
Jennifer McCoy, “Consequencias de la crisis economica y la austeridad,” Revista Relaciones de Trabajo (Valencia, Venezuela; 1988): 204-227.
Jennifer McCoy, “The Politics of Adjustment: Labor and the Venezuelan State,” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 28, no. 4 (Winter 1986-87): 103-138.
Jennifer McCoy and G. Edward Schuh, “Food and Agriculture in the Pacific Basin: An Overview,” in Schuh and McCoy (eds) Food, Agriculture and Development in the Pacific Basin (Westview Press, 1986): 11-22.
Roger Benjamin, Robert Kudrle, and Jennifer McCoy, “The Dynamics of Economic Change in the Pacific Basin,” in R. Benjamin and R. Kudrle (eds.), The Industrial Future of the Pacific Basin, Westview Press, 1984: 1-12.
Elizabeth Cholawsky and Jennifer McCoy, “A Comparative Analysis of News Coverage of Rhodesia,” Journalism Quarterly, Spring, 1982.
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