Built Environment Descriptions

My question is in the form of “did I get this right?” So, for the built environment descriptions, we will choose a site from the hyperlink on your website that says “this list” but the list is not yet uploaded. After choosing from said list, we will then visit the site at least one time for at least one hour and we will take note of what the experience is like and we will document at least 5 things in the form of video, pictures, sounds, etc. Then we will take everything we have gathered and write a description about the site. We will then archive the digital documentation as posts on our wordpress sites using appropriate categories and tags. Archiving notes is optional also using appropriate categories and tags. After that, we make one cohesive post about the site using all of our research and experience at the site in the form of a narrative. Correct? Maybe? Also, is the list of built descriptions for the first BED Aub Ave,. Beltline, and Downtown? OR are the options for sites the subsites within those overarching sites?

One thought on “Built Environment Descriptions

  1. With regards to your discussion of the project, you’ve got it right. For each bed, you will submit one narrative description post of your observations of the site, along with at least five shorter posts that document the site through sounds, images, signs, brochures or other “ephemera” associated with the site, or notes. Each group has chosen an area of Atlanta to work within. You’ll pick a location–a building, a block, a street, a park, and intersection–within that area to document in the BED. I’ll update the link to the list of potential sites within each area.

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