Module 1. Navigating iCollege
The Course Homepage
When you select a course on the iCollege homepage, you are brought to your course homepage. The navigation on the course homepage is different from the iCollege homepage. As you move throughout your course, you can return to the course homepage from any screen by clicking the course title.
Below is the default course navigation, which is also called the “navbar”:
Review each section below to learn more about the links on the course navigation bar.
This will take you to the content view where you can create or edit the course content modules.
This drop-down menu has a link to your WebEx account where you can schedule WebEx meetings or training sessions for your class. WebEx is the online conferencing tool that we use at GSU.
This drop-down menu has links to various iCollege tools (Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions, etc.) that are used to assess or evaluate students.
This will take you to the gradebook where you can set up grade items and enter grades for the students.
This will take you to a list of all the students enrolled in the course as well as any TA’s or Instructors who have been added to your course.
*Please note that the OFFICIAL class list is in PAWS/GoSolar.
Course Tools
This drop-down menu has links to the following:
- Course Admin: This link contains administrative links to the tools that faculty can use to customize their courses.
- View/Adopt Course Materials: Connects to the bookstore to select course materials.
- Calendar: Displays the calendar for your course.
- Kaltura Course Gallery: This will allow you to view and add a gallery of your Kaltura video clips to your course. Kaltura is a video / screencast creation tool that is available for GSU faculty and students for free. It will allow you to create videos and video quizzes, and store them on your account on the Kaltura server. Please feel welcome to reach out to a Learning Technologist for training on how to use Kaltura.
- Kaltura My Media: This will allow you to create videos and video quizzes as well as view all Kaltura videos created by or shared with you. If you want to upload a video file for your course content, upload the file to Kaltura My Media instead of uploading it directly into iCollege.
- Library Research Help: Connect with a Libriarian to get help with your research
- Linkedin Learning: Linkedin Learning is the leading provider of online video training. This site has a huge library of high-quality video tutorials that cover thousands of applications.
- Qualtrics: Research tool that allows you to easily create dynamic surveys and analyze their results.
- StudyMate: Create interactive activities such as flash cards, crossword puzzles, and other learning games and activities,
- Readspeaker TextAid: Web-based tool that allows students to listen to audio versions of content outside of iCollege while reading along with highlighted text.
- CTC Skills Builder Tool: Helps you create a graph for an entire course or co-curricular event which connects activities and assignments to skills and professional competencies.