iCollege allows you to create different types of rubrics to assist you with grading assignment submissions and discussions.

The suggested workflow for creating rubrics is to first create rubrics using the iCollege Rubrics tool and then add the rubric to an existing discussion topic or assignment.

To locate the Rubrics tool:

  1. From the course navigation bar, click Course Tools.
  2. Select Course Admin.
  3. Click Rubrics

From the Rubrics tool, you can create different types of rubrics such as holistic, analytic, and weighted rubrics.

Holistic Rubric

A holistic rubric is a single criteria rubric that assesses a student’s overall achievement on an activity or item based on predefined achievement levels. To learnĀ  how to create a holistic rubric in iCollege, view the video below.

Analytic Rubric

An analytic rubric, the default option in iCollege, uses multiple criterion to assess granular achievement on an activity. The rubric contains levels of achievement as columns and assessment criteria as rows. To learn how to create an analytic rubric in iCollege, watch the video below.

Weighted Rubric

A weighted rubric allows you to emphasize (or weight) the assessment of specific criterion over others within the same rubric. To learn how to create a weighted rubric in iCollege, watch the video below.

Attaching a Rubric to Activities

Once a rubric has been created, you can attach it to an existing activity such as a discussion topic or assignment. Watch the videos below to learn how to attach a rubric to an existing activity and discussion in iCollege.

Add a Rubric to an Existing Activity

Add a Rubric to a Discussion