Just another Georgia State University site

Category Built Environment Description

Atlanta Daily World

I nearly missed this important landmark on my trip. A little hole in the wall, the Atlanta Daily World is one of the oldest running African-American newspapers in the country. While reading about it in several articles on important landmarks on… Continue Reading →

Information Along the Way

While walking down Auburn Avenue, I almost missed some of these insightful placards. Scattered along the street are several plaques telling the history of some of the important figures and businesses that worked on Auburn. Easily missed, these muted plaques… Continue Reading →

Royal Peacock

One of the first things that struck me during the walk down Auburn Avenue were the businesses that lined the street. There were what appeared to be new buildings situated next to some that were clearly much older. Businesses such… Continue Reading →

Aging Edifices

While strolling down Auburn Avenue, it is easy to see the age on some of these buildings. New businesses are situated next to buildings with boarded up windows, cracking stoops, and iron bars preventing anyone from breaking in and squatting…. Continue Reading →

Atlanta Streetcar

The Atlanta Streetcar was built in 2014 as a form of public transportation. Created in an attempt to alleviate some of the strain on downtown streets, the Streetcar traverses a 2.7-mile long loop, with stops at several places around Atlanta…. Continue Reading →

Built Environment Description- Auburn Avenue

While walking down Auburn Avenue, there are several immediate things that one might notice. For one, there are beautiful old buildings boarded up, with planks and iron grates across the windows. Besides these structures are businesses in buildings just as old,… Continue Reading →

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