10 Best Rules for Creating a Clear, Brief Writing Style (From ChatGPT)

  1. Be Concise: Use as few words as possible to convey your message. Avoid unnecessary verbosity or complex sentence structures.
  2. Choose Simple Words: Prefer simple, straightforward language over complex or jargon-filled terms. This makes your writing more accessible to a broader audience.
  3. Use Active Voice: Active voice makes your writing more direct and dynamic. For example, “John will lead the meeting” is preferable to “The meeting will be led by John.”
  4. Be Specific: Avoid vague terms and generalizations. Specific details and examples make your writing clearer and more engaging.
  5. Organize Your Thoughts: Structure your writing logically. Start with an introduction, follow with the body where you present your main points, and conclude with a summary or conclusion.
  6. Edit Ruthlessly: After writing your first draft, edit to remove redundant phrases, correct errors, and improve flow. Often, less is more.
  7. Use Bullet Points and Headings: When appropriate, use bullet points and headings to break up text and make it easier to scan and understand.
  8. Avoid Jargon and Acronyms: Unless you’re writing for a specific audience that understands them, avoid using jargon and acronyms. They can be confusing and alienate readers who are not familiar with them.
  9. Use Analogies and Metaphors Sparingly: While analogies and metaphors can clarify complex ideas, using them too frequently or inappropriately can make your writing more difficult to follow.
  10. Read Aloud: Reading your work aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing and overly complex sentences. If it’s hard to read aloud, it’s likely hard to read in general.