Rhetoric and Writing

From Classical Rhetoric to the Digital Universe

Month: August 2023

How to teach an AI to write in your voice

I’ve been wondering about this for a while now. I can’t decide whether or not I want to go through the process of teaching it how to sound like me. If I had a corporate communications job, I can see training it by giving it examples of texts that conform to the company style guide and perhaps feeding it that guide. But of course that would have to be ok with the company. I can also see that there might be some value in doing as Claude advises below, from a self-learning perspective. Still, not sure. 

Training an AI to write like you

Training an AI to write like you

More on Prompt_crafting

And if you’ve asked Claude, why not ask ChatGPT (click on image to enlarge it):

This is how ChatGPT answered the question, How do I become a prompt expert.

This is how ChatGPT answered the question, How do I become a prompt expert.

You might want ChatGPT to elaborate for you on item one: tell me more about how large language models work. 


Why not ask the various AIs how to become an expert in prompt-crafting? Here is what I got when I asked Claude:

This is how Claude answered the question, "How do I become an ai prompt expert?

This is Claude’s advice about how to become an AI prompt expert.

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