Lab 1 Part 5

Click Atlanta&Barrow to open the file in Google™ Earth. You will be exploring the number of daylight hours, the noon altitude of the sun, and total solar radiation at Atlanta, Georgia USA and Barrow, Alaska USA. Within Google™ Earth, go to Tools and Options… and make sure Decimal Degrees is selected (it is in in the Show Lat/Long box).

Q20: What is the latitude (in decimal degrees) of Atlanta? Double-click the Atlanta “bullseye” to zoom into downtown Atlanta. The latitude, longitude, and elevation of downtown Atlanta are shown at the bottom of the screen.

Type “Barrow, Alaska” in the “Fly to” space in order to fly to Barrow. Double-click the Barrow “bullseye” to zoom into Barrow. The latitude, longitude, and elevation of Barrow are shown at the bottom of the screen.

Q21: What is the latitude (in decimal degrees) of Barrow? (You should recognize that the latitude of Barrow is similar to the latitude of the location in the 24 hour video.)

Q22: What is the difference in latitude — to the nearest degree — between Atlanta and Barrow?

Q23: Which location do you expect to have more differences in the solar radiation and in noon altitude of the sun throughout the year? Why?

Below is a graph of solar intensity for Atlanta, GA and Barrow, AK over a one year period. Solar intensity is the amount of solar power (energy from the sun per unit time) per unit area reaching a location of interest. Use the graph to answer the question below.

Q24: On all days of the year, how much higher is the angle of the Sun over Atlanta compared to Barrow?

Below is a graph of Solar Duration, i.e the number of daylight hours per day. Use the graph in answering questions 25-26

Q25: Why did both places have approximately the same number of daylight hours on March 21 and September 21?

Q26: How many more daylight hours did Barrow have in June than did Atlanta?

Q27: Based on both the noon altitude of the Sun (i.e. intensity of solar radiation) and the number of daylight hours (i.e. duration of solar radiation), what place do you think receives more solar radiation in June and why?

Once you have answer this question, click on Total_Solar_Radiation to check your answer. If your answer is wrong, think about why you answered the question the way you did.

Q28: What place received more solar radiation in June and what does this indicate about the relative importance of intensity and duration with respect to total solar radiation?

View average monthly temperatures at Atlanta and Barrow.

Q29: What is the major reason for Atlanta being warmer than Barrow during each month?

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