In the past, it has been hard to communicate with peers in online courses. This project allowed me to get to know one of my classmates, Daniel Gonzalez. This is Daniel’s first year at Georgia State University, and he graduated from North Atlanta High School in 2020. During high school, he enjoyed math and Spanish and played soccer after school. We discussed our favorite subjects and we both learned that our favorites are philosophy and mythological history, his favorite being Norse mythology.
When I asked Daniel when he started doing online classes he said that he started this semester. Last semester, he struggled finding connections with other students, so he decided to enroll in online courses in January. I asked Daniel why he decided to choose Georgia State, and he mentioned that it was one of the closest schools to his house and he wanted to continue working while taking classes.
We also discussed our biggest struggles in academic environments, and he mentioned that he has a hard time asking for help when he needs it and tends to let work pile up due to procrastination. Another thing that made his educational journey more difficult is that English is his second language. As an only child, it was hard for him to adapt to English classes, but math doesn’t have much of a language barrier so he took more advanced classes in math.
Daniel’s major at GSU is in computer engineering, and he is very dedicated to gaining expertise in this subject. We discussed our hobbies and he mentioned that he built his own gaming computer, which is very impressive. He told me that his mother is one of his biggest inspirations due to her hardworking and passionate personality.
After speaking with Daniel and learning more about his life, I learned that everyone is capable of being successful if they work hard enough. Daniel had to struggle with language barriers all throughout school, but he still earned good grades and took classes that will help him with his future career choices. He is a very persistent and hardworking student, and is able to multitask in school and work. The most important thing I learned from talking with Daniel is that these traits are what makes people successful.
I really enjoyed reading your academic profile on Daniel. It’s really hard for us to connect with our classmates because it’s online. This assignment gave us the opportunity the opportunity to really get to know each other. I like how you pointed out that he struggles with English, but he doesn’t let that get in his way. He still get’s his work done and tries his hardest.
I definitely agree that it is a struggle to connect with peers due to the disconnections of online schoolwork. This is the first assignment I’ve done in an online class that allowed me to talk with other peers outside of a discussion board, so it was really helpful for me.
I think you wrote a good profile on Daniel! I also believe that it is hard to get to know other students while doing online schoolwork. I don’t know much about Norse mythology, but a few years ago I had to read a book about it for school and I thought it was interesting.
This is so beautifully expressed. The way you have mentioned the struggles Daniel faces and still manages to overcome all the barriers is commendable. English being the second language for me as well, makes it very relatable for me as I know that it can get very hard sometimes. Great work overall.
Thank you.