Government Funded Gun Research — For You

study graph on something to do with guns
It is easy to believe that the federal government has cut off funding for all forms of gun research due to a mistake, the NRA’s malign influence, or some other cause. It is easy to believe this because the
, which publishes statistics on suicide, homicide, and firearm related deaths, does not research gun violence as epidemiology/public health, but the the Department of Justice, National Institute of Health, and countless scientists at universities that receive federal money publish research and statistics on firearms, gun violence, and school safety, producing a treasure trove for anyone researching school shootings, gun control, or related topics.

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Why not DotDash bursting forth
For anyone interested in general, non-current events topics Opposing ViewPoints in Context is not the best fit, while LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest Central, Academic Search Complete, and ABI Inform Collection often lead to highly specific articles, and the library web site’s Big Search Box (Discovery) may deliver a pile of not quite relevant offerings. Why not try the family of sites instead.

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More than a Sad Sound Bite

Rohingya obtaining water from a pump at a refugee camp in Bangaladesh

Picture credit
AurĂ©lie Marrier d’Unienville
and NPR.

It is hard to forget the tired, despair-filled faces of Rohingya refugees fleeing an obscure province in Burma/Myanmar for an equally obscure and green and brown place in Bangladesh.

500,000 refugees fled when the Burmese military burned their homes as collective punishment for militant attacks. The Rohingya should be more than just sad faces in a far away country. GSU Library resources can explain the story behind the Rohingya crisis, place them on a map, and bring their plight into sharper focus.

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