Tagged: Student Show

Art Show Submissions Due THIS WEEK!

A quick reminder to all planning on submitting work to the Dunwoody Student Art Show – all submissions are due no later than 10 am this Friday, Oct. 21. Submissions accepted on October 19, 20, and 21 (see times below).

Information about submitting work and submission forms are now available in the Dunwoody art classroom (to current students) AND through Student Life (in the B building on Dunwoody campus). You may also review and print your own forms on the club page devoted to the Fall 2016 Student Show.

ALL work must be ready to hang/present. For assistance with this, you’re welcome to come to the Dunwoody studio classroom in NA 1150 between 3:45-5:45 on Wednesday, Oct. 19.

If you are currently an art student you may give work to your professor in class this week. If you are not currently taking art classes you may submit work at the October Art Club meeting this Wednesday (4 p.m.) in the studio classroom (NA 1150) or through Student Life between 8-5 on Wednesday and Thursday this week (and from 8-10 am on Friday morning).

No work accepted after 10 am Friday! We will be laying out and hanging the show at that point and late submissions will not be included unless prior arrangements are made with the club advisor, Ms. Levacy (mlevacy@gsu.edu).