Last Art Club Event! Tuesday, April 25th.

The last Art Club event of the semester (and for a while, possibly) is the end of the semester party on Tuesday, April 25, from 1 – 3:30 p.m.

We will hold a voluntary art swap if you’d like to participate as well – all that’s required is that you bring a small(ish) original work of art to contribute to the exchange.

There will also be games, snacks, and henna! This is a fun way to let off some steam during finals week and say goodbye to some of your classmates who may be moving on to other schools or courses.

The party is for current art students only – if you’ve attended any of the art club meetings or events this semester this means you’re more than welcome to attend. Check out some of the fun from last spring’s celebration.


Lots of stuff happening in Art Club over the next 2 weeks!

As a quick reminder, Open Studio will not be held this Thursday, April 6. Instead, the Open Studio will be open this week on TUESDAY, April 4th (12:00 – 2:45). 

If you didn’t get the chance to pick up information about this years 6x6x2017 RoCo show last week, please check out the information that’s available online. You can also pick up an entry form during Open Studio through April 13th. f you’d like to participate, all submissions must be returned with a completed entry from by (Open Studio) on April 13 if you’d like your work to be mailed for free with the rest of the club.

Also – heads up – things happening NEXT WEEK:

  • Tuesday, April 11: Fabric Painting Workshop in NA 1150 from 12:00 – 2:45 – the first 12 attendees will receive a free tote bag to paint. All are welcome to bring their own items to decorate – t-shirts, bags, scarves, shoes, etc. Painting supplies will be provided during this fun and easy workshop. No significant art skills required!
  • Thursday, April 13: During Open Studio art club members and volunteers for the book making workshop on 4/20 will be able to put together a stab-bound handmade book. We will also be collecting any submissions for 6x6x2017 intended to be mailed in the Art Club package.

Poetry Competition Seeks Submissions, Deadline April 5


The Chattahoochee Review and the Academy of American Poets Seeks Submissions

to the 2017 Academy of American Poets University & College Poetry Prize

The Chattahoochee Review (TCR) in partnership with the Academy of American Poets, is pleased to announce that submissions are now being accepted for the 2016 Academy of American Poets University & College Poetry Prizes. All currently enrolled Perimeter College students are eligible to win one of the prizes and may submit up to three (3) poems of any form, length, and subject for consideration. The winning poem and a poem worthy of honorable mention will be chosen by a committee of TCR editors and forwarded to the Academy for final judging.

In late May, the winner of Perimeter College’s prize will receive an award check for $100 and a one-year membership to the Academy of American Poets, which includes a subscription to the Academy’s journal,American Poet; mention in the Academy’s annual report; and discounts on Academy merchandise and programs. The Academy will also send letters of congratulations to the prize winner and the student writer of the poem that receives honorable mention.

The poem that wins Perimeter College’s 2017 Academy of American Poets University and College Poetry Prize, if written by a student 23 years of age or younger, will be entered automatically into the nationwide Aliki Perroti and Seth Frank Most Promising Young Poet Award worth $1,000.

All entries to the 2017 Academy of American Poets University & College Poetry Prizes must:

  • Have a title
  • Be typed (no handwritten submissions will be accepted)
  • Contain the student’s name; age and DOB; I.D. number; current mailing address; e-mail address; and phone contact information printed at the top of each page of each entry
  • Be submitted electronically as an attachment in MS Word or PDF format to Alicia Johanneson,( The e-mail’s subject line should read: “TCR/AAP Student Poetry Prize”
  • Be e-mailed by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 5, 2017

Any submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be accepted for entry to win the prize. For more information, please contact Alicia Johanneson, TCR’s program coordinator, at, or Anna Schachner, TCR‘s editor, at


Founded in 1934, the Academy of American Poets is the largest membership-based nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for contemporary poetry and supporting American poets. Since 1955, the Academy’s University and College Poetry Prize Program has awarded more than $350,000 to more than 10,000 student poets. Through The Chattahoochee Review’s sponsorship Perimeter College has been a participating institution in the program since 1999.

6x6x2017 RoCo Exhibition Opportunity

Drop by during Open Studio, March 30, between 1 and 2:45 to learn more about the 6×6 RoCo show this year. Pick up an entry form from us or download one online.

(from RoCo site) “The Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s (RoCo) international small art phenomenon returns for the tenth year! Help us once again to build an incredible exhibition of thousands of artworks made and donated by celebrities, international and local artists, designers, college students, children, and YOU!”

  • Each artwork must be 6 by 6 inches (15 by 15 centimeters).
  • All artworks are displayed anonymously, so they should be signed only on the back.
  • All entries will be accepted and exhibited both in the gallery and online until July 16, 2017, and all will be on sale to the public for $20 each to benefit RoCo.
  • Artists’ names will be revealed to the buyer upon purchase, and sold-out artists’ names will be revealed next to their works online July 7.
  • Works will not be returned to you if they do not sell.
  • Each artist may enter up to four artworks of any medium (2D or 3D), and there is no fee to enter.”
  • No charcoal, pastel, or loose unfixed media like glitter permitted.*

The Dunwoody Art Club will provide copies of the entry form and be available to guide and assist with the creation of a 6×6 work of art for submission during Open Studio on Thursday, April 30 from 1 – 2:45 p.m.

All works returned during Open Studio by Thursday, April 13th, will be mailed for you free of charge as long as your entry forms are completed filled out and entry meets the guidelines for submission.

All works submitted will be scanned and shared on the Art Club blog so that everyone can see your work!

*If you would like to have your artwork mailed for you with the rest of the Art Club submissions, no 3D works or works with raised elements will be accepted.

LAST CALL- Submissions for STUDENT ART SHOW (10am – 3/31)

Perimeter College Student Exhibit
April 3 – April 27, 2017  Main Fine Arts Gallery, Clarkston campus
Artwork Delivery Accepted:  March 27  through 10am Friday March 31

Tuesday/Thursday deliver to CF2150 Clarkston campus between 11am – 3pm
Monday through Thursday to The Fine Arts Office CF2230  between 9 a.m.– 5 p.m.
Friday March 31 to the Fine Arts Gallery from 8 to 10 am
(show installation begins promptly at 10am so no late entries can be accepted)

March 27 – Thursday – drop by between 3pm and 7pm in CF-2150 (info below)

reception & awards:   Thursday April 6th, 5-7 p.m.   Fine Arts Gallery, Clarkston, Awards ceremony will begin at 6pm

Eligibility for entry to this exhibit and for the awards is limited to all GPC/GSU Perimeter students who are Fine Art studio students this academic year (Summer Semester 2016, Fall Semester 2016 or Spring Semester 2017) at any of the campuses.  The work should have been done during the time the student is enrolled at GPC/GSU Perimeter, though it does not necessarily have to have been done for a specific studio class.

Guest Judge: SCAD faculty member Martha Whittington –

There will be NO purchase awards this year, however, there will be awards from local art supply, photography, and ceramic supply stores.

Download the entry submission form here. Please print-out this entry form and return with work.

Entry forms should be filled-out, signed, and the appropriate labels attached to the artwork before it arrives in the gallery.  An incomplete form or one left un-signed will preclude any insurance coverage for the artwork during the exhibit dates.  Filling out the form completely AND legibly [email address especially] will help insure that work be returned at the close of the exhibition. A permanent (not student GSU Perimeter email) email address is recommended to be used if you are near graduation.

All (art majors) students are allowed to submit up to two (2) pieces for exhibit, but due to gallery size limitations they are only guaranteed to have one (1) of those pieces installed in the exhibition. The selections of work from students who enter more than one piece will be at the gallery director’s discretion, and will be done when the work is being placed/installed.

* The works to be submitted should have been completed during the time of their enrollment in GPC/GSU Perimeter classes, though the work can have been done outside the studio classes for which they have been enrolled. Work submitted in any previous year GPC Annual Student Show is not eligible for entry.
* The flat works need to be ready-to-hang but not necessarily framed – which means any work on paper needs to be mounted and/or matted to a quarter-inch-thick package, clear acetate or vinyl recommended over drawings. Drawings/paintings in charcoal, chalk, and pastel media should be fixed if not mounted under clear vinyl or acetate.
* Unframed paintings on canvas board will also be hung with the Walker System, and unframed stretched canvases will either be hung on two screw or nail heads protruding from the wall or on Walker System hardware if there is enough in our inventory of that type fittings. (please note the exposed edges of the stretched canvas with visible staples should be addressed in some manner for display purposes).
* All other wall-mounted works should have suitable hardware (i.e. – wire and screw eyes) ready to attach to the wall.
* 3D works will be placed on pedestals or directly on the floor (if appropriate).  A limited number of acrylic vitrines are available for some of the pedestals.
* NOTE: display pedestals are stored off-site, so to insure availability of a suitable pedestal and/or vitrine it is suggested that the need-for-a-pedestal and footprint sizes of work be sent to me ASAP so I can have suitable display materials on hand for the installation of the exhibit. []
* Any work arriving not-ready-to-install shall not be exhibited, and work without entry labels attached will not be exhibited.
* If your work does not fit into the above categories, please contact Don Dougan [] to see what display options might be available.
* Work entered but not accepted to the exhibition for space considerations will be stored either in the part-time Fine Arts faculty office or in the archive closet Clarkston.

LATE ENTRIES CAN NOT and WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED — no matter how good the work or individual extenuating circumstances.

Work submitted/exhibited must stay for the duration of the exhibition.  If work is needed for end-of-semester class portfolios students are advised to submit alternative works. Other public events are scheduled for both the lobby/gallery space and the auditorium and the patrons to those events should quite rightly expect to view the entire exhibition when they visit.

Take-down/pick-up of artwork is NO EARLIER than 9 a.m. Friday, April 28.

Both the exhibited artwork and the entered-but-not-exhibited work will also be available for pick-up after 9 a.m.  All works can be picked-up in the gallery during the morning, but the works shall be moved upstairs for pick-up or storage in CF-2150 classroom by noon. An email will be sent to all entrants to remind them of the details to pick-up their work, but every year there are a handful of students whose emails are either illegible or who provide student email addresses but then graduate so they do not pick up their work. The work will be there in the classroom for the duration of Summer semester until picked-up, but any work not picked-up by beginning of Fall semester shall become the property of the GSU Perimeter Permanent Collection or discarded.  This past year four students never picked-up their work despite several reminder emails, including one award winner.

A mat-cutting and/or mounting workshop on the afternoon/evening of March 27 – Thursday – between 3pm and 7pm in CF-2150 If any student is interested in preparing presentation of their works for the student show they are welcome to come and take part. I will have the mat-cutter(s) available as well as 24-inch wide heat-shrink plastic for drawings with heat gun, but each student needs to bring their own materials for mounting and matting:

1) finished artwork — one or two pieces — to be mounted or matted (if drawing is charcoal it should have already been fixed with Clear Fixative)

2) backing material (foam-core, double-ply chipboard, corrugated cardboard, or additional double-ply matboard) large enough for the full-dimensions of matted size or the full size of the drawing to be mounted.

NOTE: standard foam core is too thick to be used as a backer if the work is to be matted or mounted with matboard as well — thin 1/8-inch foam core is OK for backing matted works, or the standard ¼-inch thick foam core is fine for mounting work on paper without a mat.

3) neutral-colored matboard (white, off-white, gray, black) large enough for one or two entries

Last Call for submission proposals for “Pollinators in the Garden”

March 31 deadline for proposal submission to the Pollinators in the Garden exhibition at Decatur is coming up! You only need to submit your ideas by Friday, March 31 – the actual work wouldn’t be due until April 13th if accepted.

To read more about this event and how/where to submit your work check out the previous Art Club post. You can also learn more about another related opportunity at the Clarkston Campus, the Wish Tree (deadline, April 12).

Exhibition and Installation Opportunity (Mar 31 and April 12 deadlines)

You’re invited to take part in 2 unique exhibition opportunities as part of a week long exhibition celebrating Earth Day at the Perimeter College campuses.

Opportunity 1 (Deadline for proposals March 31, Delivery of accepted works due April 13): Open call for submissions for outdoor artwork that represents pollinators, beings or activities that spread a plants’ pollen. This could include bees, butterflies, birds, bats, bugs, wind and more. Anticipated works submitted by students, faculty, staff, or alumni, will highlight how important our pollinators are to reflect the mission of the Native Plant Botanical Garden at the Decatur campus which is to educate the public about native plants and temperate ferns.

Download the flyer for this event here!

Collaborative and site-specific work is encouraged. Art work must be able to withstand the elements for the entire week. Please contact Lisa Alembik from the Fine Arts Department ( with a written proposal of what you would like to submit along with a jpg of your artwork or a proposal drawing by March 31. Be sure to include your contact information. The garden is open to the public.  Keep in mind that work cannot be insured, and will be kept outdoors and open to the public for the entire week. Artwork submitted should remain for the duration of the exhibition.

Delivery will be Thursday, April 13 by appointment (afternoon) or April 14 (morning). Details to follow if your proposal is excepted.

Opportunity 2 (Deadline for submissions April 12): Contribute to a collaborative installation project on the Clarkston Campus called the Wish Tree, inspired by Yoko Ono. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to drop off offering to Clarkston art department office, CF building by April 12. These can be paper, no larger than 5” x 7.” You must make a hole in the top for it to be strung up. These will not be returned.

Learn more about what a Wish Tree is and about how the project started at:


Eligibility for both events is limited to Perimeter College of Georgia State University students, faculty, staff and alumni. The Opening of the exhibition will be on Friday, April 14, 1-3 p.m.

Please contact Lisa Alembik from the Fine Arts Department ( with any questions about either opportunity.





Remaining spring 2017 event dates for Art Club

At our meeting on March 9th we outlined all of the remaining events and assigned them dates. The following schedule is now established and we hope to see you at some point in the future!

Also, if you missed the time management workshop, check out the highlights here –> Time Management for Art Students (page)

OPEN STUDIO Dates/Times:


Tuesday, March 21: During Open Studio we will be streaming “Tales By Light” episodes on Netflix.

Thursday, March 30: 6x6x2017 day / Drop by for information about this opportunity. If you’d like to participated you can get started with us during Open Studio in NA1150 between 1:00 and 2:45 p.m. and pick up an entry from. All submissions must be returned with a completed entry from by (Open Studio) on April 13 if you’d like your work to be mailed for free with the rest of the club. Check out more information about 6x6x2017 on the event website and download an entry form if you will not be able to pick on up on the 30th.

Tuesday, April 11: Fabric Painting Workshop in NA 1150 from 12:00 – 2:45 – the first 12 attendees will receive a free tote bag to paint. All are welcome to bring their own items to decorate – t-shirts, bags, scarves, shoes, etc. Painting supplies will be provided during this fun and easy workshop. No significant art skills required!

Thursday, April 13: During Open Studio art club members and volunteers for the book making workshop on 4/20 will be able to put together a stab-bound handmade book. We will also be collecting any submissions for 6x6x2017 intended to be mailed in the Art Club package.

Thursday, April 20: APRIL MEETING 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. to discuss the final Art Club Party and possible activities, food, and art exchange. We will need assistance setting up for the Book Making Workshop – Location TBA – 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. / All students welcome to participate in the event. The first 30 students will receive materials and hands on help to create their own 4×6 handmade paper book. Art Club members will be asked to schedule volunteer time to assist with the event.

Tuesday, April 25: ART CLUB PARTY in Art Studio 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. / Final party for current Art Club members. Details will be announced pending decisions made prior to event.

Stuff to do with Art Club in March

While March is extra magical because it happens to feature Spring Break (12th – 19th) it’s also a great time for Art Club. We will be hosting some low-key “drop in” events throughout the month in addition to our monthly meeting to foster some positive creative thinking that will – hopefully – inspire and invigorate your creative energy in preparation for the 2nd half of the semester.


  • Thurs. March 2 – Netflix “Abstract” streaming during Open Studio
  • Thurs. March 9March Art Club Meeting followed by break-out session to discuss “Time Management for the Art Student”
  • TUESDAY. March 21 – Netflix “Tales By Light” streaming during Open Studio
  • Thurs. March 23 – Open Studio closed (moved to Tuesday 3/21)

Thursday, March 2: Episodes from the Netflix series “Abstract” will be streamed during Open Studio from 12-2:45 p.m. while anyone in attendance works on projects. The series shares the practice and knowledge of contemporary artists in a series of episodes and is available on Netflix Instant Stream.

MARCH 9th – ART CLUB MEETING 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.: Because of Spring Break, the club will meet the week before to make decisions about the dates of April events and make plans for a big “final event” for the end of April. This meeting will be followed by a “round table” discussion about time management (see below).

Thursday, March 9: From 1:30 – 2:15, join an open discussion about time management as an art student. We will watch a few short videos which provide various insights or practices from artists and creative individuals and talk realistically about the expectations of upper level art students and the creative process in general. Like creativity itself, time-management is a skill that can be learned but what works for one may not work for all. Find some alternative options to inspire more productivity in your academic and artistic projects. A follow up page will be created with a recap of conversation points from the session and resources for those who are unable to attend.

OPEN STUDIO WILL BE MOVED TO TUESDAY, March 21, the week after Spring Break! Open Studio will not be held on Thursday, March 23rd. 

Tuesday, March 21: Episodes from the Netflix series “Tales By Light” will be streamed during Open Studio from 12-2:45 p.m. while anyone in attendance works on projects. The series profiles professional National Geographic photographers on their adventures to get “the perfect shot” in short 1/2 hour segments on Netflix Instant Stream. The locations and creative efforts of these experts are sure to inspire anyone in the arts, regardless of their discipline.

And, it’s back!!! Coming up in early April (2nd or 9th?): 6x6x2017!