Tagged: meeting overview

Sept 21 Meeting Overview & Club Updates

Congratulations Juliebeth and Rahatul!

The meeting on Sept 21 was very productive and resulted in the appointment of a new Vice-President, Juliebeth Delgado,  and Treasurer, Rahatul Choudhury.

As VP, Juliebeth will be responsible for assisting the club president with the management of club paperwork and funding applications/allocation as needed communicating with club members about meetings and events through the Art Club website as well as  assist the club secretary in creating these summaries which share the minutes (notes) from each meeting.

As Treasurer, Rahatul will be responsible for overall management of the club’s finances and any awards received through Student Life and ensure that any funding received is appropriately allocated, documented, and paid. The treasurer will also assist with club publicity materials or social media.

Official Club Events & Meetings This Fall

  • Sept 28: RISD Portfolio Reviews with Antonio Peters in NA 1150 from 4 – 5:30 p.m. (Sign-Up occurred at the meeting but you may also email Ms. Levacy at: mlevacy@gsu if you’re interested, please read more HERE).
  • Oct 19: Art Club Meeting
  • Nov 16: Art Club Meeting
  • Oct 21 – Nov 18: Fall Student Show

Movie Days

Everyone looked at the available days and selected the following two for Art Club Movie Day! events. Bring your own snacks, popcorn and water will be provided.

  • Wednesday, October 26 – 4 – 5:30 p.m. in Art Studio (NA 1150)
  • Wednesday, November 9 – 4 – 5:30 p.m. in Art Studio (NA 1150

Movies have yet to be decided on and a future post will contain some options and you can put in your 2 cents by commenting on it. Most members seemed pretty excited about the idea of a Halloween themed movie on Oct 26 and the most promising suggestion seemed to be Nightmare Before Christmas which, of course, is VERY artfully done with excellent clay stop-motion animation.

Please comment on this post for any suggestions of what you would like to watch on these dates. Updates will be shared later on.

Fall Student Show

We discussed aspects of the student show and decided that we will allow those submitting work to bring up to 2 works, however, we will stipulate that only 1 work is guaranteed entry if space is limited and that if we cannot provide adequate safety of the work due to scale or presentation that we cannot ensure its inclusion.

We discussed eligibility of students and all agreed that if a current student is enrolled in at least 1 course on the Dunwoody Campus, they’ll be eligible to submit work and all majors are welcome (not just those in the arts). There was some concern over how to ensure that students created work while enrolled in GSU-PC (to prevent people from submitting work from high school or from decades ago) but it was decided that we should simply stipulate that this is an expectation and trust that people will comply.

Additionally, we talked about the closing reception and arrived at the conclusion that 5 – 7 p.m. on either Nov 16 or 17 works for most club members. These dates will be discussed further with the library to determine what will work best and updates will be made and released with the Call to Artists.

  • Oct 1: Call to Artists information released (website and FB)
  • Oct 19: Assistance with submission preparation at the club meeting.
  • Oct 17 – 21: Submissions accepted
  • Oct 21: Installation of Show (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!)
  • Nov 16 or 17: Closing Reception & Awards Ceremony (Date & time confirmed soon)
  • Nov 18: Take-Down / Pick up of student work (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!)

With regards to installation and take-down of student work – no previous experience is required! We need MORE people for installation than take-down and will be installing from 10 am – 5 pm with a break for lunch – you do not need to stay the whole day if you’re not available and even an hour of your time is beneficial! We will discuss this more at the Oct 19 meeting.

UNOFFICIAL Events that club members might be interested in… check out the clubs Group Me to see who’s going and explore carpooling and meet up opportunities.

  • Sunday, September 25: National Portfolio Day
  • Friday, October 21: College Night at the High – ½ price admission after 4 pm, live music, live model and drawing provided, crafts, etc.