Tagged: club meeting

Stuff to do with Art Club in March

While March is extra magical because it happens to feature Spring Break (12th – 19th) it’s also a great time for Art Club. We will be hosting some low-key “drop in” events throughout the month in addition to our monthly meeting to foster some positive creative thinking that will – hopefully – inspire and invigorate your creative energy in preparation for the 2nd half of the semester.


  • Thurs. March 2 – Netflix “Abstract” streaming during Open Studio
  • Thurs. March 9March Art Club Meeting followed by break-out session to discuss “Time Management for the Art Student”
  • TUESDAY. March 21 – Netflix “Tales By Light” streaming during Open Studio
  • Thurs. March 23 – Open Studio closed (moved to Tuesday 3/21)

Thursday, March 2: Episodes from the Netflix series “Abstract” will be streamed during Open Studio from 12-2:45 p.m. while anyone in attendance works on projects. The series shares the practice and knowledge of contemporary artists in a series of episodes and is available on Netflix Instant Stream.

MARCH 9th – ART CLUB MEETING 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.: Because of Spring Break, the club will meet the week before to make decisions about the dates of April events and make plans for a big “final event” for the end of April. This meeting will be followed by a “round table” discussion about time management (see below).

Thursday, March 9: From 1:30 – 2:15, join an open discussion about time management as an art student. We will watch a few short videos which provide various insights or practices from artists and creative individuals and talk realistically about the expectations of upper level art students and the creative process in general. Like creativity itself, time-management is a skill that can be learned but what works for one may not work for all. Find some alternative options to inspire more productivity in your academic and artistic projects. A follow up page will be created with a recap of conversation points from the session and resources for those who are unable to attend.

OPEN STUDIO WILL BE MOVED TO TUESDAY, March 21, the week after Spring Break! Open Studio will not be held on Thursday, March 23rd. 

Tuesday, March 21: Episodes from the Netflix series “Tales By Light” will be streamed during Open Studio from 12-2:45 p.m. while anyone in attendance works on projects. The series profiles professional National Geographic photographers on their adventures to get “the perfect shot” in short 1/2 hour segments on Netflix Instant Stream. The locations and creative efforts of these experts are sure to inspire anyone in the arts, regardless of their discipline.

And, it’s back!!! Coming up in early April (2nd or 9th?): 6x6x2017!

October Art Club Meeting – Wed. Oct 19

This months official meeting will be this week: Wednesday, October 19.

We will primarily be preparing works (and assisting others in this task) for the Dunwoody Student Art Show which will be installed this Friday, October 21 at 10 a.m.

During the meeting we’ll talk about the Art Show and discuss volunteering – we desperately need your help!!! While it will take 2 people about 6 hours to hang, with more people it will take much less time for all involved! Gain experience that you can use on your C.V. and transfer applications and help contribute to the biggest event the Art Club holds each year!

We will also talk about Movie Day coming up next week on Oct 26th and a potential art demo event featuring printmaking sometime in November.

Bring materials to prepare your work for the exhibition – if you’re not sure what you’ll need to bring please email Ms. Levacy (mlevacy@gsu.edu) as soon as possible. She’ll help you identify what your most affordable options are and what will be required for Wednesday.

Official Art Club Meeting: Sept 21 @ 4pm

Our first official Art Club meeting of the fall 2016 semester will occur on Wednesday, September 21, from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. in the art studio at Dunwoody, room NA 1150.

We will review the open club officer positions (Vice-President and Treasurer) first. All who are interested are welcome to apply – both new members and current members are eligible. More information about the roles of these positions will be explained and all who wish to throw their hat into the ring will be asked to share a brief statement of interest to the club members in attendance at the end of the meeting. Voting will occur directly following nominee statements.

We will also review important official club events that will be held this fall, the most pressing of which is the RISD Portfolio Review session with RISD rep, Antonio Peters, on Wednesday, September 28, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. in NA 1150. You will be able to sign-up for your own individual portfolio review at the meeting but you’re encouraged to attend the review even if you don’t want to share your work. You’ll learn a lot just by listening in on other students critiques and Antonio will share some of what RISD, the #1 art school in the nation, has to offer.

We will also discuss the upcoming Fall Student Show as well as some of the unofficial club events that you might want to participate in such as National Portfolio Day (9/25) and the October College Night at the High (10/21). You’ll be asked to also contribute ideas for (art or art-related) movies that you’d like to watch this semester and we’ll try to set up a few dates for these events.

We look forward to seeing you there! If you can’t make it, please check back on the website for follow-up information about anything you missed and contact the club advisor, Ms. Levacy, to sign-up for the RISD portfolio review (mlevacy@gsu.edu).