I Haz Meme?
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I think meme is a form of art because, it is a form of communication through art work. It gives a creative and funny aspect .We express our human creative skills through visual art like the memes. I came up with my meme “Life is Like A Stream It’s Always Flowing” because, no matter what life is always on the move. The internet plays a role in our everyday life because, without internet many people will not be able to function day to day. Many people use the internet as a resource of information. As Leo Tolstoy, stated in the video people communicate with memes through their personal experience and that is considered art.
November 16, 2016 at 5:00 pm (8 years ago)Hello Dee, such a cute meme. I really agree with the meme you wrote ” Life is like a stream, it’s always flowing.” This is a true statement to me, life will continue on no matter how we feel, how our day is or how we may feel that days are dragging along while we are at work. Life flows on and on around us.