Award-Winning GSU Student Research Team gives a shout out to CURVE!

2016-10-13_1741A team of Master of Science in Information Systems students from the J. Mack Robinson College of Business placed first in the SAP competition, Project Dream: Election 2016. Their “Women in Power” project compared support for the Democrat Party presidential nominees, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, using data mined from Twitter. You can read more about their fascinating project by clicking here, but the Library is particularly excited about this part:

The women credit part of their success to the support they had from not just Robinson College, but also Georgia State as a whole. They were able to utilize CURVE in the Georgia State library to display their data and film their findings. “We got to tape our presentation at CURVE. We felt like we were on the news.” Diwan said. The CURVE also let them view their data in a wide format [on the interactWall], showing everything in an easy to understand and analyze way.

The Library extends an exuberant “Congratulations!” to the team, and we’re so happy that the CURVE space played a part in your successful project!


Data Services & Support @ GSU Library – Check It Out!

RDS-Icons-CombinedNeed to find existing data to analyze for your dissertation or thesis? Using SPSS, SAS, R, or Excel to do statistical analysis and need help with the software? Doing qualitative research and wondering if you should use NVivo software or other text analysis tools? Want to visualize data on maps or in other visually-pleasing ways but not sure how to geocode data or to use ArcGIS or Tableau software to do this? Designing a survey using Qualtrics and need some pointers on how to do so? Writing a grant proposal and need assistance with the required data management plan?

The University Library’s Research Data Services Team can help you with all of these things AND MORE!

Visit this page for more information about our data services, to schedule a one-on-one consultation with our specialists, and to browse our calendar for drop-in assistance hours and workshops offerings. Also feel free to contact us at and we’ll connect you to the right person for assistance.

Geo-tagging Atlanta

Re-posting this excellent item by Bryan Perry from the GSU Student Innovation Fellows’ blog.  GIS, Maps and Data Services Librarian Joe Hurley and SIFs have been geo-tagging a collection of glass plate negative photographs from the 1920s. These beautiful images provide rare glimpses into the area around the Five Points Metro Station, and are particularly noteworthy for showing a number of storefronts that would be submerged by the viaduct into what became known as “Underground Atlanta” just before construction began.

3D Atlanta meets Oculus Rift on Library North, April 27

Street scene from a virtual 3D Atlanta in the 1920s.

Join Student Innovation Fellows as they demo the 3D Atlanta project tomorrow, April 27, on Library North 1st floor, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Learn about this exciting project and even experience it for the first time on an Oculus Rift headset.

About 3D Atlanta

Georgia State University sits atop what was once the center of Atlanta’s African American night life, a rich assemblage of blues and ragtime clubs and even the old city jail. Today, Student Innovation Fellows are working to recreate this lost piece of Atlanta’s history in an interactive 3D environment. The 3D Atlanta project uses GSU’s rich collection of historic photographs and 3D scans of surviving buildings to recreate the old red light district at scale in a virtual environment. The resulting experience is an interactive game, accessed via Oculus Rift, which will eventually provide an immersive, full-scale model of Atlanta’s history.

Combining historical recreation and archival research with video gaming and 3D modeling, the project is a unique digital initiative bringing together students in computer science, urban planning, and the humanities. The completed project will include historically based narratives and a full-scale virtual reproduction of this historic Atlanta area.