Making the world a better place

Category Class Notes

Hayden Article Assignment

Gender Space Architecture Lexicon Feminism Sexuality Gender Sex Monopoly Capitalism design Culture Masculinity Social order Perception Psychoanalysis Conventional Boundaries Human Identity “As material culture, space is not innate and inert, measured geometrically, but an integral and changing part of daily… Continue Reading →

Purcell Quotations’ Explanations

POSSIBLE WORLDS: HENRI LEFEBVRE AND THE RIGHT TO THE CITY “self-management is a radical attack on the foundations of capitalist social relations in which the bourgeoisie controls, through private ownership, the means of production.(pg.7) Karl Marx defined the bourgeoisie as… Continue Reading →

Final Project: Argument Thesis

How does the design of ____________ affect peoples’ behavior in that space? Potential Thesis: How does the scheme of Woodruff Park promote social control? Thesis: The scheme of Woodruff Park promotes social control among the people surrounding the park T:… Continue Reading →

BLACK Lives Matter

The imagine was captured to show the diversity and unity behind the large “BLACKLIVESMATTER”  poster. There are many races holding up the poster, such as White, Asian, Black, and possibly Hispanic to identify the diversity of people supporting the movement…. Continue Reading →

Academic Blog Conventions

Particular organization: continuously updating Comments to create a discussion Different categories Title/tagline takes a position about academic  Each post has a purpose, claim, and specific topic Lists Definitions Examples Visuals Focus Detail Awareness of rhetorical situation Academic Blog example:

Schindler’s Architectural Summary

”one might think it a simple aesthetic design decision to create a park bench that is divided into three individual seats with armrests separating those seats. Yet the bench may have been created this way to prevent people—often homeless people—from… Continue Reading →

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