by Sarah | Nov 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
When we think about designing classes we tend to think about controlling these experiences. What if we flip the script, however, and also think about disorder? How can we use chaos (both ordered and disordered) in our course designs? For our fourth and final Inspired...
by Dr. Richardson | Nov 5, 2016 | Uncategorized
In celebration of National Distance Learning Week, we would like to introduce you the Magna Commons an online repository for professional development for all GSU faculty. The Magna Commons provides access to pre-recorded informational webinars. Topic categories...
by Sarah | Oct 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
So let’s say that you teach an awesome undergraduate course at GSU. Your students are doing well, your evaluations are decent, and your Dean is pretty happy with your performance. However, you still have a small, persistent itch in the back of your mind: What if I...
by Dr. Richardson | Oct 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
On October 10, 2016 the Center for Teaching and Learning hosted a VoiceThread workshop for faculty. The workshop was lead by VoiceThread expert and instructional designer George Haines. VoiceThread is available for all GSU faculty. In this workshop, participants...
by Will | Oct 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
So, you just had the most amazing assignments turned in from your students, and you’re proud of your effort and want to show them off – what do you do? In the far-removed past, you may hire a barker to scream about it around ye olde village, or perhaps...
by Sarah | Aug 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
In this post I want to highlight the process that we used to create the brand spanking new EMBA homepage template in Canvas. So why should you care if you don’t work in the EMBA program? Well, lessons learned in this type of design process can be applied to any...