by Will | May 5, 2017 | Cool Tools
It was only a matter of time. Years back, WordLens showed the world a camera app that could be pointed towards any text & instantly translate it. Google bought it & includes it now in their Translate app. Then PhotoMath & MathPix entered the scene &...
by Will | Oct 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
So, you just had the most amazing assignments turned in from your students, and you’re proud of your effort and want to show them off – what do you do? In the far-removed past, you may hire a barker to scream about it around ye olde village, or perhaps...
by Will | Aug 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
In collaboration with the Honors College, CETL is very happy to announce Edge, a new online magazine highlighting innovative student work and the faculty that inspire that. We’re just wrapping up construction of the site for its initial launch in September, but...
by Will | Jun 3, 2016 | Cool Tools
Interested in using VoiceThread in your course? Not even sure what in the world VoiceThread is, or why it needs to be CamelCased? Check out these great workshops happening this summer! You’ll love them, and then your students will love them and all will be well...
by Will | Apr 19, 2016 | Contented
When you think about adapting your course for online delivery, one of the first things you probably think about doing (or dread, depending), is retooling your powerpoint presentations as narrated lectures. I say this because it’s the number one thing people talk...
by Will | Jan 26, 2016 | At The CII, Workshops
Once upon a time, there was a place called the Exchange. It was in what most people thought was the basement of Library South. I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking that – even I blame the basement-ness for the Vitamin D deficiency that I suffered last...
by Will | May 13, 2015 | Cool Tools
Everybody is now bored with instant messaging and video conferencing. We all just text, right? Well, if the good folks from Microsoft and Skype have anything to do with it, the idea of IM being an afterthought app that you may or may not download if your job requires...
by Will | May 7, 2015 | #trending
So, evidently there’s this thing called social media, and within the thriving nucleus of it, there is a tool called Pinterest (the Pinterest to those in the know….wait, that’s the Google’s – it’s so hard to keep up). Anyway,...
by Will | Mar 27, 2015 | At The CII, Cool Tools
It seems like in the world of technology right now, you can’t throw a rock without hitting a free option for live streaming an event, or course even, to Twitter. This goes beyond our current university solution of Panopto, allowing you to stream live, or in the...
by Will | Nov 12, 2014 | #trending
Though most innovations that are discussed revolve around new hardware, software, or services, it’s important to remember that there are still plenty of methodological innovations that are worth discussing in the frame of “innovation”. Recently, the...
by Will | Nov 7, 2014 | #trending, Cool Tools
In the ever-rushing march of massive technological change, real-time voice translation is beginning to hit the mainstream market, and amazingly you can take part in it’s development. Skype, venerable old online chat and messaging app owned by Microsoft, is...
by Will | Nov 6, 2014 | Cool Tools
Wow! How quickly we learn how little we know. Here’s a great quick set of tips on how you could be using Photoshop better. From editing on separate layers, to converting items to Smart Objects to prevent file degradation, and everywhere in between. If you...
by Will | Oct 17, 2014 | Interwebs
In case you hadn’t been paying attention (which is entirely understandable – you’re a human, with actual lives, families, hopes, dreams and whatnot – unlike us in the Exchange that live, breathe, and sleep virtually), the eBook market has been...
by Will | Oct 2, 2014 | At The CII
In case you missed it, Tableau Day was this past Friday in Curve, and we were very pleased with how everything went. The large crowd was able to hear about how not only Tableau, but also data visualization in general, can help to simplify complex information, from...
by Will | Aug 15, 2014 | Interwebs, The Exchange
A common problem in the world of technology, not just among educators, is the overwhelming sense that there are too many tools. We are constantly bombarded with more options about how to create a presentation, how to edit your photos, how to format your text, how to...