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So You Want To Start a New Program!

So You Want To Start a New Program!

So you’ve decided to start a new program here at GSU. Congratulations – that’s super exciting! Except: You soon realize that starting a program is a multi-pronged process starring a smorgasbord of people, policies, contexts, concerns, and excitements. This is...
Affordable Learning Georgia Grant: Round Eleven

Affordable Learning Georgia Grant: Round Eleven

Have you ever felt like chucking your always out-of-date, expensive, and totally non-remixable (under penalty of law) textbook from the eternally-spalling Courtland Street Bridge? Now’s your chance! The USG’s Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) initiative is...
Post/human Approaches to Design and Teaching?

Post/human Approaches to Design and Teaching?

Post/human Approaches to Design and Teaching? Lately, it seems like you can’t turn a corner without being smacked in the face by the specter of posthumanism. As with other educational philosophy trends of yore (I’m looking at you, constructivism) posthumanism is the...
Clash and Flow: Pedagogy and Street Art

Clash and Flow: Pedagogy and Street Art

On December 2, 2016 a group of instructional designers and graduate students hopped on the Atlanta Streetcar at Hurt Park for the first ever guerilla Art in the Wild: StreetArt Tour in the Edgewood district. The goal of this CETL-hosted trip was to encourage educators...
Inspired by Design: Art In the Wild StreetArt Tour

Inspired by Design: Art In the Wild StreetArt Tour

When we think about designing classes we tend to think about controlling these experiences. What if we flip the script, however, and also think about disorder? How can we use chaos (both ordered and disordered) in our course designs? For our fourth and final Inspired...
Inspired By Design

Inspired By Design

So, you know how we’re constantly writing about design thinking and course redesign? And how we’ve also talked to you quite a bit in the past about getting your students out of the classroom to create more emotionally engaging, situated experiences on both...
Cool Tools: WallaMe

Cool Tools: WallaMe

Ok, so it’s time that we talked about Pokemon GO, right? Well, sorta. Although I’m a casual PG player myself I don’t have any scintillating insights on how to use that particular tool for education (yet!). However, there are a ton of other augmented reality apps...
Teaching: Field Trippin’ Around Campus

Teaching: Field Trippin’ Around Campus

Think about one of your classrooms – how do you like it? Is the lighting wonderful? Does the paint color make you drool? Is the seating arrangement and level of mobility conducive to impromptu dance parties? More importantly, does your classroom space –...