Unit 4 Assignment 2

www.justfacts.com Topic: Free Speech
Currency The most recent topic is from a few months ago published in October 2018, so although it is not relatively far it has been revised and edited, it isn’t current to this year, so it isn’t a current research. The links found in the article are functional to use.
Relevance Out of many other choices this topic has a great amount of breadth and depth. This is a topic that is still spoken about in the media till this day and provides answers about Free Speech. I would use this article as a source of a research paper.
Authority This site provides credentials and qualifications on their about page and the organizations who sponsor the program (Cengage Learning, PBS, etc.) although the domain of the website ends with the “.com” extension.
Accuracy This website is accurate since it has proper citations and references to real events.
Purpose Their Mission Statement is to publish credible comprehensive documented facts about public policy issues.
www.factcheck.com Topic: Trump Is Wrong About Fact-Checkers
Currency The topic was posted February 12,2019; therefore, it is a current topic. It does have functional links
Relevance The topic is about Donald Trump, Health Care, and Insurance, which are very common topic spoken amongst people and the media these days.
Authority This site’s domain is a “.org” and is a non-profit organization. I don’t believe this site has much authority since there aren’t many credible sources. The author is Lori Robertson.
Accuracy This website is more obscure since there aren’t any proper citations in their articles. The tone of the article seemed bias towards defending Fact-Checkers.
Purpose Their Mission Statement states they are “consumer advocates” that measure the factual accuracy of their sources from ads, debates, and speeches to increase public knowledge.

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