Boa Viagem!

8 Days/8 Lessons Learned with GSU in Brazil

1. Mothers are something special everywhere…but they are especially adored in Salvador (2nd major holiday after Christmas).

2. Drivers perform miracles-despite there being only space for a bicycle to pass through…somehow buses we rode in surpassed all odds to get us safely to our destinations.


3. You are never too old to be surprised, be in awe, be utterly speechless at the beauty found in nature, communities, and the friends we never knew one day we’d meet.

Bamboo Road

4. Young students do not mind taking a selfie or 2, 3, 4 at any occasion.



5. There is only 1 Clara Ramos in this universe-(you will have to travel to Salvador to know what I am taking about…believe me, you do). While it is obvious when a person has a clear passion for his/her profession, with Clara it is transforming, life-changing, and infectious.


6. The semantics of one’s degrees/training can blur the honest truth that many of us are dedicated to exploring ways to prevent suffering and improve conditions that lead to enhanced health of populations.

7. Food, dance, music, good friends and family, adventure, and of course, love…. is all we ever need. Making a sacrifice to leave our creature comforts may not be easy, but in the end, all that is gained from going outside of what is familiar is priceless.



8. No matter where one resides, he or she has a single origin, called home. This place is associated with great pride. So while there may be underwear drying in the kitchen or mofo on the couch—Brazil is undeniably special. Celebration of differences (versus criticism) is always the road to take….