No trip to Brazil would be complete without going to a soccer game. Today we had the chance to experience the madness that is Brazil futebol when we went to a game at Salvador’s stadium, Itaipaiva Arena Fonte Nova. On our cab ride to the stadium the driver joked with the girls that we would love the game because of all the men but also warned us to guard our belonging and stay aware of our surroundings. This is just one example of the many warnings we’ve gotten in Brazil to enjoy ourselves but also to be careful and remember to stay safe. Once we arrived at the stadium, a few of us had difficulty actually getting inside. We went through security 4 separate times and tried to go in many gates only to be turned around, but finally we found the correct entrance and our enthusiasm was reignited once we heard the cheers coming from inside. The game today was between Bahia, which I’m assuming is the team for the entire state, and Joinville which is a team from the state of Santa Catarina. I was extremely excited because my host mom even let me wear one of her son’s Bahia jerseys so I could fully take advantage of this experience. Although the crowd was not that big, the excitement for the game was contagious. Everyone was cheering, they were dressed in their team’s colors, and there was even a group of drummers in the stands. When Bahia scored a goal in the second half, the crowd went wild. This was definitely my favorite part of the whole night. To me, going to this soccer game was another opportunity to be fully immersed in Brazilian culture. In the United States we always see how important soccer is to Brazilians but there’s nothing like actually experiencing it. The Bahia vs. Joinville game was one of the highlights of the trip and I think that as a group we thoroughly enjoyed it.