Georgia State University’s School of Public Health is proud to once again be taking students to Brazil. This program will provide an educational and cultural opportunity for graduate students interested in global public health research with a focus on public health across the lifespan and public health research and practice as conducted in Salvador, Brazil.
The aim is to prepare our students to be informed and exposed to public health issues from a global perspective.
Students will experience in-class instruction, public health field trips in the city of Salvador, cross cultural lectures, and an applied research project, as well as language instruction and homestays. They will also enjoy some fun time with weekend excursions in the state of Bahia.
Our aim is to focus on the social epidemiology of health disparities; epidemiology across the life span; epidemiology, health information systems, and universal health care; and foster analytic tools and approaches to public health research, with instruction coming from professors at Georgia State University and the Institute of Collective Health at the Federal University of Bahia (ISC) as well as through the Associação Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos (ACBEU).
We hope you will follow this blog as our students share their experiences during this unique adventure.