Five ways students can use Sites@GSU

Create a professional blog
A blog can be a great way for you to engage with people in your field of study both inside and outside of the Georgia State University community. As you share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences from your field of study, you may be surprised who stops by to comment on your blog. In this way, you can forge connections with your peers at other colleges and universities or even experts in the field.
Share your portfolio of work
As you work toward your degree, you’ll create projects and papers that make you especially proud. You might want to share them. You can build out your blog as a way to show off and reflect on all of the exceptional work that you have done.
Blog about the college experience
Students all over the world share their experience of college life through blogs. You can help other students find the best places to eat, where to get help when they need it, or which clubs and opportunities they should check out.
Collect resources
As you move through your classes, there is a lot to remember. Faculty members and students often share great links and resources you want to use later. By using your blog to aggregate and categorize resources related to your studies, you can create a warehouse of cool stuff that will be of ongoing use to you.
Create a private weblog
Students often spend a lot of time reflecting on what they have learned. By creating a private blog and categorizing and tagging your reflections, you can create a repository of analysis and exploration that may be helpful when you take comprehensive exams or begin an academic writing project.