- Editor-in-Chief, Medicinal Research Reviews (ranked #2 in 2016 based on Impact Factors (8.4) among about 60 medicinal chemistry journals worldwide and #6 among 261 pharmacology- and pharmacy-related journals)
- Founding Serial Editor, A Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development
- Distinguished Alumni Professor Award, Georgia State University, 2007
- Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, Georgia State University, 2007
- Memberships on more than 30 NIH Study Sections during the past 10 years
- Permanent membership on the Synthetic and Biological Study-A Section (SBC-A) (2011-2017)
- Member, Long Range Planning Committee, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 2001-2004
- American Heart Association Established Investigator Awardee, 1998
- Oklahoma Society of Hospital Pharmacists Outstanding Faculty Award, 1996 (for teaching)
- Kappa Psi Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1996 (for teaching)
- Kappa Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1996 (for teaching)
- NIH FIRST Awardee, 1995
About Binghe Wang
B. Wang was born in 1962 in Beijing, China. In 1966, at the beginning of the so-called Culture Revolution, his whole family was sent to the countryside in Hebei Province. Therefore, he spent his formative years interacting with people who were not the most fortunate but maintained some of the most optimistic views on life. The hard life in the countryside taught him many lessons that prove very useful later on in life. In 1978 when China re-opened its universities, he was admitted into Beijing Medical College (now Beijing University Health Sciences Center) where he met his wife, Siming. After receiving his B.S. degree in Medicinal Chemistry, he started his graduate career first at the University of British Columbia, Department of Chemistry. Still longing for a career in medicinal chemistry, he later transferred to the University of Kansas, which has one of the best medicinal chemistry programs in the world. While at the University of Kansas working under the guidance of the late Professor Matt Mertes and Professor Kristin Bowman-James, he studied thymidylate synthase, a target enzyme for cancer chemotherapy, and the design and synthesis of molecular catalysts. After receiving his Ph.D. degree, he worked with Professors Victor Hruby at the University of Arizona and Ronald T. Borchardt at the University of Kansas before embarking on his own independent academic career in 1994 at the University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy as an assistant professor of medicinal chemistry. He moved to North Carolina State University as an assistant professor of chemistry in 1996 and was tenured in 2000. In 2003, he was recruited to the position of Professor and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Drug Discovery at Georgia State University. In 2009, he founded the Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics, and has been serving as its founding director. He served as the Chemistry Department Chair between 2011-2014, Associate Dean for Natural and Computational Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences 2014-2017, interim dean in 2016, and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies 2017-2018. He was named Regents’ Professor in 2013.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of Medicinal Research Reviews and book series editor of “A Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development.” In addition, he has personally edited several books together with his colleagues: “Drug Delivery: Principles and Applications” published by John Wiley and Sons, “Pharmaceutical Profiling in Drug Discovery for Lead Selection” published by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, “Chemosensors: Principles, Strategies, and Applications” by John Wiley and Sons, “Evaluation of Drug Candidates for Preclinical Development: Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Pharmaceutics, and Toxicology” by John Wiley and Sons and “Carbohydrate Recognition: Biological Problems, Methods, and Applications” by John Wiley and Sons.
Outside of chemistry and drug discovery, he enjoys fishing (although he does not get much time to do it often), traveling, friends, and most of all spending time with his family, who helps to keep his life balanced.