Ch 1: If this is Art 1: f 5.6 1/60 ISO 1600       Ch 1: If this is Art 2: f5.6 1/50 IO 1600

Ch 2: Once Upon a Time 1: 4.5 1/60 ISO 6400   Ch2: Once upon a time 2: f 5.6 1/ 60 ISO 3200

Ch 3: Deadpan 1: f 22.0 1/250 ISO 800        Ch 3: Deadpan 2: f 5.6 1/200 ISO 3200

Ch 4: Something and Nothing 1: f 5.0 1/160 ISO 6400   Ch 4: Something and Nothing 2: f5.6 1/200 ISO 3200

Ch 5: Intimate Life 1: f5.0 1/60 ISO 3200       Ch 5: Intimate Life 2:f5.0 1/60 ISO 3200

Ch 6: Moments in History 1: f11.0 1/100 ISO 800   Ch 6: Moments in History 2: f11.0 1/100 ISO 3200