Brooke Hart Blog

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self designed final project

For my project, I wanted to show the day-to-day behind the scenes of a college athlete. Not everyone gets to see what goes in physically and mentally to playing a college sport. A good team connection is a big part… Continue Reading →

Self-Designed final project

Sports has been a part of my life for many years now. Not everyone ever really sees what goes into playing at the higher levels, physically and emotionally.  For my final project my work captures the day to day look… Continue Reading →

Project 2: Photography as Contemporary Art

Ch 1: If this is Art 1: f 5.6 1/60 ISO 1600       Ch 1: If this is Art 2: f5.6 1/50 IO 1600 Ch 2: Once Upon a Time 1: 4.5 1/60 ISO 6400   Ch2: Once… Continue Reading →

Project 1 Final photos

Shallow DOF: f/4.5 @ 1/30 @ ISO 1600 Great DOF: f/9.0 @ 1/200 @ ISO 200 Low ISO: f/9.0 @ 1/125 @ ISO 200 High ISO: f/4.5 @ 1/40 @ ISO 1600

Project 1: Camera Functions

Unit 4 Assignment 1

After doing searches on astronomy on main search engines like Google, Yahoo, and bing, and searches on meta-search engines like Metacrawler, Dogpile, and Ixquick. I found some similarities but also some differences. When I searched on the main search engines… Continue Reading →

Tool Inventory

Scenario 1: You have to lead an online presentation on the contents of your history term paper. Tools: I would use Prezi and wordle. These applications are great for presenting your ideas to a class. Scenario 2: The final exam for your economics… Continue Reading →


Hi! My name is Brooke Hart. I am a junior here at Georgia State and I’m studying Studio Art. I am on the women’s soccer team here and also play for the Puerto Rico women’s national team on occasion. My… Continue Reading →

Hello world!

Welcome to your brand new blog at! To get started, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. For assistance, visit the comprehensive support site, check out the Edublogs User Guide guide or stop… Continue Reading →

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